Rec Room PATCH - the "Too Much to Handles" edition

Third Person Mode

We're starting to roll out big updates to third-person mode!

Soon you will be able to pick things up, throw a ball, shoot a gun, and swing a sword (you know, actually engage with the world), all in the third-person mode! And it will be a great way to enjoy your full-body avatar.

  • Q: What platforms will support third-person? A: All Screens platforms (Gamepad, Keyboard, and Touch). No out-of-body experience for VR.
  • Q: When will I get it? A: We're carefully A/B testing this feature over several rounds, hopefully "Soon"
  • Q: What is happening to first-person? A: First-person mode is here to stay! Third-person will be an entirely optional way to play.
  • Q: How does third-person work in UGC Rooms? A: By using our cross-platform building blocks like Handles, Interaction Volumes, Locomotion Circuits, etc. most rooms already work great in third-person! Later, we'll add new circuits for creators to customize or restrict third-person if the room is meant to be played in a specific way.

We believe "iteration is quality", and we'll be iterating on third-person a lot this year, so let us know your feedback!

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Player UIs only show above your own head in third person if you have opted in to Show Own Nametag in Third Person
  • Touch can now reliably tap on old UIs like the costume equip button. Touch hides the dot reticle while targeting UI since it only uses direct tap.
  • Fixed a bug where Screens could not interact with Scoreboards from the same distance as VR
  • Camera shake and recoil are tuned and limited to reasonable amounts in certain cases
  • While wall climbing, Screens can drop off (or slowly descend) by pressing Crouch
  • Fixed the infinite shot bow bug.
  • Fixed a bug in Rooms 2 which prevented you from changing default values for Player Properties on a Player Definition Board.
  • Restrict KBM Marquee Selection to the current scope in Rooms 2. Allowing selection across scope led to a variety of issues.

Rec Room Studio

  • Introducing the water shader, one of the tools we've been creating for My Little Monsters! Now you can make your water features POP in all new ways. Check out the new example water assets! Prefabs can be found under `Assets/DefaultAssets/Prefabs/Environmental Assets/Water Examples/
  • When dragging a new wire from a Studio object board, the Studio Function chip is now included among the list of chips that can be created and automatically connected to the new wire.
  • Fixed a number of issues in R2 rooms around copying, duplicating, and pasting objects that are children of a container.
  • The 'Set HUD Element Enabled' chip uses the Slot configuration of the Room Level HUD chip that it is connected to.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.