Are YOU gonna go #1?
Welcome to the 2023 NFL Draft Zone in Rec Room. It’s your chance to get drafted by your favorite team, so grab your hat and hoodie and join in! There’s all sorts of cool stuff to check out, like the stage, the flag football field, an exclusive VIP lounge, an NFL shop, a party mode to celebrate with all your friends, and a FREE bottle of bubbly soda just for joining!
Got your team? Head over to the field for some 3-on-3 flag football action! Huddle up with some friends and run your best plays to climb the leaderboards and show why you’re the best to ever do it. Don’t want to play? No problem! Watch the action from the sidelines, or get access to the EXCLUSIVE VIP lounge using your NFL hoodie and hat. Make a big play? Press the party button to send the whole room into disco fever and hit your best celebratory moves!