Rec Room PATCH - the “Rec Rally” edition

Bit of a smaller one this week - the team is wheely tired from releasing Rec Rally.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • The “Cloud Data” settings tab mysteriously disappeared. We tracked it down, and put it back in the Room Settings tab bar.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented NavMesh from baking in rooms based on certain maps (including Park and Clearcut).
  • Fixed a bug in ^RecRally which would result in lingering vehicle sounds if somebody left the room during the game start countdown. No more ghost cars!
  • Made it so you can’t grab other players’ vehicles during ^RecRally games.
  • Made it so you can’t grab vehicles while in a seat.
  • The wheels on the buggy go round and round, but will no longer go inside other vehicles or objects.
  • Players will now be locked in their seats during the starting countdown in ^RecRally.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.