Rec Room PATCH - the “Bento Box” edition

Bit of a small update this time around!

## General Improvements and Bug Fixes

- Players on mobile with auto-fire enabled can also automatically reload now! Pew pew pew!

- Sushi is no longer upside down in the store...we talked to it and it won’t try doing flips anymore.

- Fixed screen players in PVP games getting partially stuck in aim down sights mode if they get K.O.ed while reloading when using aim down sights.

- Fixed an issue where player icons were incorrectly stretched when viewing messages in VR. 

- Fixed an issue with the Reset pin on the Animation Gizmo not always working properly.

- New CircuitsV2 SetPosition chip in beta: sets the position and rotation of a player or object.

- New CircuitsV2 Respawn chip in beta: respawns a player or object.

- Removed a CircuitsV2 error log when a variable was being automatically renamed.

As always, thanks for playing Rec Room!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.