Rec Room UPDATE - The "Pathfinder" Update

Rooms 2.0

  • New Component: The Pathfinder! Put the pathfinder into your compound objects so it can path from place to place. (Requires Navmesh to work - bake it in the room settings like usual.) Also includes new chips: Pathfinder Get/Set Max Acceleration, Get/Set Angular Speed, Get/Set Max Linear Speed, Get/Set Pathing State, Get/Set Pathing Target, Get/Set Rotation State, Get/Set Rotation Target, Start Pathing to Position, Start Rotating to Direction, Stop Pathing, Stop Rotating, Get/Set Ground Clamping, Get/Set Tags To Ignore.
  • Interaction Filters in Rooms 2 will now behave hierarchically. In order to interact with a filtered component, the player must pass the filter on the component itself, as well as on each container it's inside of. (For most intents and purposes, you'll only need to set it at the root.)
  • The Player Definition Board can now be spawned from the palette with the circuits for locomotion and footstep audio included automatically. No more being unable to move until you flip a switch!
  • Replicators will now be visible in the Hierarchy View
  • Replicator Spawned Copies will now properly disable their Object Board circuit graphs when Pooled
  • Fixed some issues with Replicator reliability
  • Fixed a bug where spheres would not roll.
  • Fixed a bug where the hierarchy view would allow for invalid selections.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Added "Recent Search History" feature to the Rooms Search Page. This is gated behind an experiment.
  • Player Prompt Text input is now restricted to base ASCII characters (no unicode). This means it now supports only the same set of characters as the CV2 Text component.
  • Watch UI placements were changed for VR players using full body.
  • Circuit wiring operations are now undoable and redoable, and wired connections are restored when undoing the deletion of an object or chip.
  • You're now able to trim clips when using the new CV2 Holotars.
  • New App Boot timing telemetry.
  • Fixed a bug preventing second edit of Animation Controller with Maker Pen.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause explosive weapons to not deal any damage.

Rec Room Studio

  • The Unity 'Visual Effect' components did not work correctly in Rec Room, so support for this Unity component is now blocked from being used in RR Studio rooms.
  • Any null instruction entries within a Studio Function will now be identified during room validation. The validation error when these are found will help you locate the relevant prefab and studio function, and provides an automated fix option to simply remove all null instruction entries.
  • Improve the speed of downloading room content when there are many files in your room.
  • Fixed a bug with Rec Room Studio NavMesh Cut where sometimes rooms with it might have navmesh tiles go missing. If you saved a room while a navmesh tile was missing previously due to this bug, you may need to re-bake your navmesh.


  • We're testing out a blob shadow specifically for bean avatars in third person to help with platforming and obby rooms, since it can be hard to tell where you are standing/jumping/falling without legs!
  • A/B test for PUG: After a Hot Pick Game, PUG initiators will receive a result page showing who participated in the same PUG and what answers they picked.
  • Adds a memory meter to Maker Pen palette for creators to gauge and improve performance in their rooms. (note: experiment gated so this will ship to a subset of players)

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.