Create a Sponsored League

Player-run leagues are a fun and challenging part of the Rec Room community! We love seeing players pushing themselves and others to excel, and the communities that form around these eSports.

To make things a little more exciting, we are now offering official League Sponsorship for qualifying leagues. If you run a league with at least 64 regular participants that lasts for 12 weeks, you may be eligible for prizes for your league - 100,000 (or more) tokens total to divide among your winners, and, if available, up to 8 golden skins for a winning team (the skin must be related to the activity your league plays).

Program Details

Your league MUST follow the rules of the Sponsorship program. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of sponsorship. Leagues will be given a liaison to monitor the league, take bug reports and feature requests, distribute prizes, and assist in other ways. League managers will be invited to a Discord server for this purpose.

You may determine allocation details of the tokens allotted to the league, but, it must be laid out at the start of the season (both to a Rec Room liaison and to the league participants). For example, for teams of 6 people, you could split 30,000 tokens among the 1st place team (so, 5,000 each), and 15,000 tokens split among the 2nd place team (so, 2,500 each) and so on.

Program Rules

This is an abridged version of the rules. When sponsorships are open, you must join the official Rec Room Sponsored Leagues Discord and read the full set of rules. A link to apply for sponsorship (when applications are open) will also be located on the Discord server. This link will take you to the server:

1. Leagues must adhere to the Code of Conduct, both in-game, and on their official forums/discord servers. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of sponsorship. This includes things such as:

  • Discriminatory speech permitted on forums or in games

  • Ban evasion during games

  • Cheat engine usage or other hacks allowed by league

2. Leagues must have open registration, and must accept and maintain a minimum of 64 members to qualify for prizes. Your league may be exempt from this rule if it uses an elimination styled format. Elimination formats are approved or denied on a case-by-case basis.

3. Leagues must provide an official copy of the rules of the league, including a scoring or tournament system and rough schedule, prior to the start of the season. Leagues must also provide us with how they intend on distributing prizes before the start of the season. (Leagues which are underway at the start of the program may provide the rules upon application.)  

4. Leagues should be stream or record and upload at least one hour of footage per week for at least 12 weeks to qualify for awards. This may consist of regular season games, playoffs and pre-season mixers or scouting. Not every game needs to be recorded - it just needs to be a total of one hour per week.

League Benefits

1. In-game prizes provided by Rec Room. 

  • Golden skinned items will be available for qualifying leagues which we currently have a golden skin for. These skins will only be available for the winning teams. Only 8 golden skins will be awarded per season. Gold skin prizes will only be available for one division per league. League liaisons will be responsible for determining which gold skin will be available per season. Some leagues will receive repeating gold prizes depending on what is available for that particular league game mode.

  • A token pool will be provided to the leagues. League owners are responsible for declaring how the tokens will be distributed before the season begins.

2. Direct communication line with community team league liaisons.

  • League managers will be invited to join a private Discord server to maintain a direct communication line with Rec Room support.

  • League managers will have the ability to ask questions as well as report league issues and game-breaking bugs directly to league liaisons.

  • League managers will be able to discuss strategy, ideas, and concerns with other league managers

3. Exclusive league items.

  • Sponsored leagues will be able to give out exclusive clothing items to their streamers and referees.

  • Long term managers will also be able to obtain an exclusive gold clothing item for themselves.