Rec Room UPDATE - the "Events Improved!" edition

We’ve been working hard on improving our events system and this ship brings a huge number of changes focusing around discoverability, event promotion, and improved UX.

## Event Organizers

- Event organizers cannot be kicked from their own events.

- Event organizers can always visit their created events, even when the instances are full.

## Events Screen

- There are several new tabs on the events screen to help search for events:

- Live! - Shows active events sorted by current attendance

- Upcoming - Shows future events sorted by start time

- Popular - Shows future events sorted by RSVPs

- My Events - Shows created and RSVPed events

- Live, Popular, and Upcoming tabs are all searchable and filterable by tags.

- Fixed a lot of little UX issues with viewing and updating events.

## Event Creation

- You can now specify tags for events.

- You can select custom photos to represent events.

- You can now select a specific subroom to host your event in.

- You can host events in any subroom that you own and in public subrooms in rooms that other players own.

## Inviting

- Invite players screen is now searchable.

- You will now be prompted to invite friends when entering events that are mostly empty.

## Event UX

- You will now hear a custom jingle when spawning in a room which is an event instance.

- Players see a "This Event" button instead of a "This Room" button when in an event.

## Announcements

- Players are prompted to create event announcements when creating new public events. This announcement is sent to subscribers.

## Event Meetup Codes

- You can now create event meetup codes. These will show players the event's details screen or go to the event if it's currently taking place.

## Link Buttons

- Player event link buttons can now search for events.

And to celebrate during all these events, we also have two new cakes: Celebration Cake and 87 Flavor Cake. Complete with candles. Try blowing them out! 

## Trying Premium Inventions

You can now try premium inventions before you buy them. Go to the invention details page, tap Try, and the invention will spawn in your room for a short period of time.

## AI Improvements

- Improved the AI pathing and movement overall. They should get stuck in fewer places and have smoother movement over terrain and in Quests.

- Fixed some places in Quests where AIs would get stuck, die automatically, or have strange behavior.

- Max health configuration on AIs in Spawners now works correctly.

- Wand is no longer able to stun enemies for a very long time.

- Assassin bots now actually do stuff.

- Barrel Knights should no longer chase players with their axe lowered.

## General Improvements

- We’re trialing some technical improvements for Quest players to make more community rooms load - if you find rooms that still won’t load, let us know!

- We're improving the experience of getting disconnected from a room. If you get disconnected you'll be sent to your dorm and get a prompt in the watch menu to rejoin the last room you were in.

- iOS app consistency - going to the iOS home screen or another app will cause you to leave the room you're in. If you come back soon you'll be in your dorm with a prompt to rejoin the previous room.

- Optimized the use of memory across the app, which should result in fewer crashes, especially on older iOS devices.

- Fixed broken search tool for clubhouse selection

- Fixed extraneous text on club invite screen

- Fixed broken cancel button on club permissions settings screen

- Swapping to the manipulation mode while a shape is selected will now properly display all the handles.

- Fixed when selecting the manipulation tool on screens, it would perform the manipulate operation on whatever your cursor was hovering over.

- Manipulate operation now plays sounds.

- Fixed the bug where some goals were being counted twice for daily challenges and leaderboards.

- Fixed an error that occurs after an undo operation on shape containers.

- Fixed a bug that prevented undoing a merge operation of two shape containers.

- If you remove a role with flying on someone it should make them fall.

As always, thanks for playing Rec Room!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think...