Rec Room PATCH - the “In Control” edition

Circuits V2 (beta)

Creators! Lure players in with shiny objects! Use a glowing, animated beacon to mark objectives. Change its height and color dynamically using CV2 Beacon Chips! (...and Beacon Chips …and Beacon Chips)

New beta component: Beacon

  • Added a whole bag of Beacon-flavor Chips: Beacon Get Color, Beacon Set Color, Beacon Get Enabled, Beacon Set Enabled, Beacon Get Height, and Beacon Set Height

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Do you feel lucky? Some players can now easily and quickly share photos and rooms from a new button in chat. Check it out!
  • The bigger their head, the harder they fall. Fixed a bug where players could instantly kill each other with Ego Potions in Rec Royale.
  • Do you want ants? Tired of scrubbing root beer off the paintball shooters, we fixed a bug that let players sneak consumables into RROs.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get caught in an infinite respawn loop in some quests.
  • Fixed a bug for VR Players where pulling your hand backwards through the watch could cause your hand to be stuck scrolling the page… for… ev… ver…
  • Some selection dialogs were acting funny; the "Set Online Status Visibility" dialog, for example. It wouldn’t let you re-select the first (and clearly the best, that’s why it’s the first) option, so we fixed it.
  • Fixed display for certain emoji characters. So wave your 🏳‍🌈 proudly, and they can just deal with it 🕶

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.