Rec Room PATCH - the “In Control” edition

VR Scrolling Improvements

  • VR Players can now enable "Exterior Scrollbars" in the "Experience" tab in Settings. This will move most scrollbars to the side of the watch
  • With Exterior Scrollbars enabled, VR users will have access to paging buttons and a much bigger and easier to grab scrollbar. These paging buttons act like the "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons of a keyboard would in a browser
  • Users can customize what side of the UI their Exterior Scrollbars show up on, including an "adaptive" setting that, when looking at UI that's somehow attached to your hand, will try to put the scrollbar on the side closest to your other hand
  • There are a few windows that will not yet work with Exterior Scrollbars because they are missing scrollbars in general on all platforms (portfolio/subscriptions/clubs related pages), and room chat does not yet work with Exterior Scrollbars either. Apart from these few windows, Exterior Scrollbars should work everywhere, including the watch and the maker pen.

Dance Mode and Controls Update

  • Dances are back! First go to Third Person, then select a pose using the button indicated in the top left and use the right waving controls to groove.
  • Updated the Default Keyboard controls based on feedback to have Q and E as waving, and F to interact. If you liked E to interact that is also available now as a new scheme called "Alternate".

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • You can now edit and delete your existing custom shirts! Go to your portfolio, find the shirt you want to modify, and click the Edit button to make changes.
  • Gadgets have been renamed to Components
  • Made import friends images look less washed out.
  • Added Clear Velocity and Rez Effects options to Respawn Point Respawn Player chips
  • Corrected text formatting on the Showcase Poster to better handle multiline event titles
  • Added Noise chip to generate smoothed random values.
  • Replaced the gun handle's Projectile Launcher input with a more generic Projectile Origin Object input
  • Gamepad scroll icon is toggled based on if the player is hovering over a scrollable element.
  • The room loading screen has an improved progress bar, so you can tell what's happening behind the scenes and get a better sense of when you'll get into the room.
  • Gun Handles now support configurable hand poses for screens, so you can make that two-handed shooter look legit!
  • Fixed a bug that prevented projectile hits from being detected in some instances after shooting through an Invisible Collision component with projectile collision disabled.
  • Photo roll photos are now treated as Maker Pen objects. Players can print shared photos and photo roll photos if they have Maker Pen permissions in a room.
  • Fixed an issue where the settings for club accessibility would default to an invalid combination of settings when creating a new club
  • Fixed an issue where the photos inside the room details view could not be scrolled
  • Fixed crashes caused by gun handle recoil and screen shake

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.