Rec Room UPDATE - The "My Little Template" Edition

Cross-room Party Voice Chat

  • Cross-room party voice chat is now available! Communicate with your friends in different rooms and keep in touch no matter what you're up to, all within Rec Room!

Rooms 2.0

  • The Eyedropper tool is now available!
  • Custom Locomotion: Request Steering chip now supports instant acceleration (zero acceleration duration). 0-60? More like 0 to the digital future, amirite?
  • Players can now rename containers from the MakerPen Hierarchy window.
  • Fixed the reset bug for Reset Room and Rec Room Object Reset chips.
  • Reparenting multiple objects at once will now maintain any circuit connections between their Object Boards.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the edit button would edit out of circuit boards.

Full Body Avatar

  • There were some discrepancies with how floating bean and full body items looked, especially for glasses items. We wrote some automation to seek out these offenders and discovered mismatches in how the shaders were authored between our floating bean and full body items - so now they're fixed!
  • Fixed a bug where head scale wasn't displaying correctly on FBAs when changing rooms.

##General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Holotar scale did not match the player avatar size when scale was 1.
  • Text may be a little sharper on some platforms (but shouldn't be too noticeable).
  • Hands will no longer sync if you are typing into a sensitive text field in VR (passwords, personal info, private messaging, etc.). Does not apply for insensitive text fields, though. They wouldn't really care anyways!
  • Restored the avatar snapshot as your default profile photo for new players.

Rec Room Studio

  • New projects created using the Rec Room Studio launcher will now include default assets from My Little Monsters! We also have a new kit-based Template Room available from the Create menu in-game, so even if you can't use Rec Room Studio, you can find all these assets and use them! Look at alllll thoooose assets
  • Added the new "Instance Recolor" component which allows you to have different per-instance colors without using multiple Materials to do so. Instance Recolor can also be used with Studio Functions to dynamically change the color of objects from Circuits!
  • A new validation error will appear when the AudioMixerRegistry specifies an invalid Studio Mixer object.
  • Fixed an issue where textures used by Terrain, RawImage, or ParticleSystem components appeared at a lower resolution than intended.
  • Prevented an issue with cameras in VR by ensuring that the camera doesn't have 'Target Eye' set to 'Both"


  • Some new players may start out in third person (with the option to toggle to first person, of course!)
  • Some players may have access to the new pinch feature, which can change the camera perspective and zoom on Touch.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.