Rec Room UPDATE - the "We added a TLDR Section!" Edition


  • Starting Tuesday an experiment for "My Dorms" is starting - check your creation tab on the watch!
  • The crafting cost of the Stone Axe has been lowered in MLM.
  • 10x more recording time in Holotars V2!
  • Loading and networking issues have been improved.

My Little Monsters

  • The Stone Axe crafting cost has been lowered to 1 Wood, 1 Stone, and 1 Crystal.
  • Objective markers display on wood, stone, and crystal right outside the first portal.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Players shouldn't fail to load into rooms as frequently.
  • The maximum Holotar (V2) recording duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 300 seconds - that's 10x more time for recording brainrot!
  • Pressing the 'Clear' button on a Holotar recording window will now display a confirmation button before deleting the recording.
  • Moved the Animation gizmo controls to their own Maker Pen menu tab.
  • 'Toggle Button Set Is Pressed', 'Print Text To Screen', and 'Clear Screen' chips will now consume the correct amount of "network heat" when used. Network heat is the name we use for how much data is sent over our network, and because these chips weren't counting correctly, the networking in some rooms was breaking. Yay, thermodynamics! !
  • Cloud lists are now out of beta!
  • Fixed a bug where functions without exec ports could return incorrect values if multiple calls were made during the same exec.
  • Monitor rooms for corruption and refuse to save them if corruption is detected in rooms, invention creation, or invention spawning.
  • Pressing the 'Clear' button on a Holotar recording window will now display a confirmation button before deleting the recording.
  • Fixed up some old bugs around fist bumps and high fives making them easier to trigger.
  • Removed placeholder text when the UI is loading.
  • New LocalPlayerSetGravityDisabled node will let you turn off gravity for the local player!
  • Once you're floating around you can use custom locomotion or the new PlayerGetPhysicsVelocity, PlayerSetPhysicsVelocity, and PlayerSetSteeringVelocity nodes to finely control your movement.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented 'Data Table Get Column Count' and 'Data Table Get Row Count' from being configured to a data table.
  • Toggle Button components now have a 'Synced' toggle, allowing their pressed state to be unsynced between players.
  • Translated an untranslated Progress tab label in the profile page.

Rooms 2.0

  • Fixed the issue where Equip Object to Dominant/Off Hand chips failed when used on a handle not in a hierarchy.
  • Replicators can now be included in inventions.


  • We're trying out some Token Store layout changes over the next few weeks. We've also fixed a few bugs and made some general improvements related to token purchasing.
  • We're launching an experiment this Tuesday on adding "My Dorms" to your creation tab in the watch. Make multiple dorm rooms, save them for later, and swap out the look of your room for the seasons or events!

Rec Room Studio

  • Added new Asset Palette UI to streamline creation workflow.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.