Rec Room PATCH - the “Coming to a Beta Near You” edition

Happy Holidays from all of us at Rec Room! Just a couple of updates for our last update of the year. See you all in 2024!

App Leveling

We are excited to introduce new updates around leveling up during your Rec Room journey!

  • Progression Profile: a dedicated tab in the Player Profile that tracks your Rec Room level, the XP needed to reach the next level, and daily progress
  • How To: An info page on the Progression Profile so you can see how to earn in-game XP
  • Watch Home Presence: View your level and progress on the home tab of your watch, and access the Progression Profile page by clicking it
  • XP Gain Tracking: Track the amount of XP you gain as you earn it

Rec Room Studio

  • Dramatically reduced loading time for rooms with many Maker Pen Shapes.
  • Don't show 'Fix Me' option on materials validation errors that don't have an available upgrader.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Coming to a Beta Near You" edition

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Adding a new Aim Assist Enabled config option to the Swing Handle.
  • Spaces and special characters are now allowed in port and chip names.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the port types inside boards not to update properly.

Rec Room Studio

  • We found that Studio Functions are a bit more unstable & error prone than we'd like. We're temporarily disabling Studio Functions & re-enabling Unity Events until we can fix the issues. Existing Studio functions can still be edited, but new Studio functions cannot be added.
  • Making it clear that MobileVR devices like Quest and Pico use the same asset import and build settings as Android, so you can check your room's MobileVR memory estimate and download size by looking at the Android sizes.
  • Fixed a common cause of 'RecRoomObject' destroyed errors.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Coming to a Beta Near You" edition

General Improvements

  • Fixes avatar not showing up in room load screen and new outfit thumbnails on Quest.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the CV1 spawner chip to move to an incorrect location.
  • Fixed a bug where the ACM palette menu would sometimes crash.

Rec Room Studio

  • Use the "Test Room" button now to test your room locally without having to wait on a cloud build. We also made it easier to upload and save your work to as many times as you want, and then later go back and choose which saves to actually build.
  • Made it easier to find the Room Save Inspector, which lets you build any unbuilt save and tells you the in-game download sizes of your room on different platforms.
  • Fixed up some UI bugs with the Rec Room Studio Room Creator Chat and Circuit Palette windows. Now it's easier to send messages to fellow-creators who are in the room in-game.
  • This change avoids an exception thrown when loading a Studio Function Chip that references a Studio Function that is no longer defined in the room.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Coming to a Beta Near You" edition

General Improvements

  • Animation Controller improvements:
  • Added the following chips into Beta: Animation Get Time Stamp, Animation Set Time Stamp, Animation Get Frame
  • 'Animation Set Frame' now generates the correct amount of network heat, and no longer scales its frame index with the animation speed.
  • Added a speed configure field.
  • Added confirm delete dialogs for frames and object connections.
  • Added 'Rec Room Object Reset' support to stop the animation and reset it to the first frame.
  • Increased frame cap from 49 to 100.
  • Reduced the ink to match the Animation Gizmo V1
  • New beta chip: "Request Velocity Set Over Duration". This is equivalent to "Velocity Set", except it will continuously apply the velocity until either the input duration elapses, the authority of the input object changes, or another impulse is applied from a different CV2 chip (whichever is soonest)
  • Added the new "Collision Detection Volume" component into beta! This is similar to the trigger volume, but works better for detecting at fast speeds and getting more data when hitting players or objects. This component is what is used in Make it to Midnight to detect Bonky's hammer hitting players, and we expect players will be able to pair this with the Swing Handle to make great custom melee weapons!
  • Added a new beta spawnable tool Dialogue UI, which is a floating text box with some optional labels, an optional directional affordance, and up to four buttons.
  • Beta update: Removed Throw Handle from Spawner components
  • Editing curve and ribbon control points improved
  • New to Beta: Swing Handle Component
  • Tweaked support for emojis and extended Unicode in chat

Bug Fixes

  • Players should see improved stability when suspending the game on Xbox
  • Fixed blurry text for PCVR players
  • Fixed a bug where switching back from ACM forced the Maker Pen creation mode to "Move"
  • Enabled Advanced Creation Mode on the Oculus PC build
  • Shapes in Advanced Creation Mode now have labels
  • Arrow key navigation is available for all searchable tabs in Advanced Creation Mode
  • Saving a room with the Paste tool equipped no longer disables UI navigation on room load in Advanced Creation Mode
  • Runtime edited tags will now display properly when in Advanced Creation Mode.
  • Running 'Add Tag' chips with an empty string will no longer add an empty tag for Advanced Creation Mode
  • Fixed a bug with Disable Physics option that prevented it from working for some players in multiplayer scenarios
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Log String chip to not continue execution after saving a room with a synced Text Screen component
  • Fixed a bug with Swatch UI so that it updates correctly
  • Weapon prop beacon settings should now update properly between players
  • Fix object highlight outlines in mirrors on iOS
  • Cat Hat and Yeti Hat can no longer be adjusted to completely cover the player's eyes

Rec Room Studio

  • Studio Functions provide a new way to author custom chips that interact with your Rec Room Studio prefabs. You can add Studio Functions to the Rec Room Object component on your Rec Room Studio prefab, and each Studio Function you create can be called by a Studio Function Chip that you can create and configure in-game with your Maker Pen.
  • Remove options from the Render Pipeline Converter that could break materials if used incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug where bloom/emissive materials weren't showing up correctly while in RRStudio.
  • Validate that cameras have an output texture set to prevent drawing directly to the main screen buffer
  • Improve camera validation messaging & add help links
  • Performance improvements for Playing or Uploading rooms
  • Fix the error "Could not initialize the Rec Room API. The type initializer for ... threw an exception"

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Coming to a Beta Near You” edition

General Improvements

  • Room Tag Update: Enhanced tagging system in Rec Room for better room discoverability and clearer genre categorization.
  • New chip: "Vector3 Inverse"
  • New beta chip: "Add Velocity (New)". This is equivalent to the existing "Add Velocity" chip, but when run against remote players it will immediately simulate the impulse locally to make it feel more responsive. Eventually, we plan for this chip to replace the existing Add Velocity chip. This chip makes Bonky's hammer delightfully thwacky in ^MakeItToMidnight.
  • Added beta events for the following player actions: Jumped, Landed, Grounded, Sprint Started, Sprint Stopped, Slide Started, Clamber Started.
  • Added the following player state getters to beta: Clambering, Crouching, Grounded, Prone, Sliding, Sprinting, Normalized Steering Speed.
  • “Player Get Equipped Objects” chip now properly outputs root objects in rooms with Hierarchical Building enabled
  • Get ready to build fun new content around players using the Share Camera! We added the “Player Took Share Camera Photo” event in Beta, which outputs position and direction at which a Share Camera photo is taken, and lists of players and objects in the captured photo.
  • On top of that, get your players posting about your room with the “Player Uploaded Public Share Camera Photo” event that invokes when someone in the room saves a public photo to RecNet
  • UGC storefronts in cloned rooms will no longer display room currency packages from the original room
  • Shapes in a container with an Interaction Volume will be highlighted when the player looks at the Interaction Volume
  • Players on some Android devices will see an increase in framerate
  • When sending a gift to a player, the selected player will now be highlighted
  • We revised the config menu for circuit and object boards to improve the experience of adding and managing ports. You can now see the type of existing ports, change a port’s type without deleting and recreating it, and search the type assignment screen to cut down on scrolling. Plus those pesky plus buttons are gone, and it all looks better in Advanced Creator Mode!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause scrolling to immediately stop when the scroll was ended –when it should have maintained some inertia and slowed to a stop gradually.
  • Fixed missing objects on some low-end Android devices.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Moods V2 elements not to update properly.
  • Fixed missing circuit connections not rendering on Quest 2.
  • Resolved a disabled interactable slider that did not function in avatar customization. The slider will now correctly appear disabled.
  • Fixed colors on Cyber Skeleton avatar items.

Rec Room Studio

  • Put the new “Rec Room Studio Disable Render In Share Camera Photo” component on objects you want to hide in Share Camera photos.
  • RecRoomObject prefabs can be opened directly from the hierarchy.
  • Running out of chip allowance in your RRStudio room? Delete the Object Board for a Studio Object using the Object Config menu accessed with the Maker Pen.
  • Ever wondered how your room is performing? Now there's an easy link to all of that info from RRStudio! Just click on the "link" icon next to your loaded room's name in the Room/Scene window.
  • Component types now show different instances on the Misc page of the Memory Explorer menu
  • Memory Explorer details view makes it easier to select the resource being displayed.
  • When 'Play' fails, the Console window comes into focus to display the errors that caused the failure.
  • Previously all the materials, textures, and meshes that are used in the provided RecRoom Prefabs would show up in the Project window, but you would get an error if you tried to use anything other than a prefab in your room. In order to reduce confusion, we've hidden those assets that aren’t usable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some rooms to fail to upload & build after running a validation fix.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Coming to a Beta Near You” edition

Room Progression, now in Beta!

Enable Room Progression in Beta rooms to add a semi-automated linear progression system. Use a Room Levels data table to set XP thresholds, set up your room’s Progression watch tab in Room Settings, and use the XP chips to level your players up. As seen in Make it to Midnight - and best used alongside Rewards!

New event - Level Reached New chips - Player Award XP, Player Get XP, Room Levels (Data Table), Player Get Room Level

Room Level HUD, now in Beta!

Add progress bars and item balances to your HUD with the new Room Level HUD constant. Configure the constant to pick a HUD element and use the existing HUD chips to enable and modify it. If you’ve got Room Progression turned on, you can set some elements to update automatically based on level and XP. Same for currency and consumables!

New Chips in Beta!

  • Player Is Holding Maker Pen (useful for having different logic while creating vs playing)
  • (Float | Vector3) Smooth Damp
  • Vector3 Clamp Magnitude
  • Vector3 Closest Point On Plane
  • Vector3 Move Towards
  • Vector3 Project
  • Vector3 Project On Plane
  • Data Table Get Row Count
  • Data Table Get Column Count

General Improvements

  • Contributors are now included in room earnings! The room owner can make any necessary adjustments to the earnings.
  • Currencies displayed on the progression page will now correctly display currency icons and images, and the colors will match the currency color.
  • Added 56 new sound effects from our melee weapons to the SFX Constant chip.
  • Quaternion Create chip now defaults to [0,0,0,1], also known as the "Identity" rotation (basically meaning "no rotation")
  • Added room permission settings to automatically assign player tags.
  • Saving the room after updating a data table will now automatically add a save description.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in invisible avatars.
  • Fixed an issue where the mirror would distort in VR.
  • Fixed a bug with the Save an Outfit Challenge.
  • Fixed various issues with player locomotion in corners:
  • Players cannot glitch climb up corners or small gaps
  • Improved behavior for getting stuck in a crevasse
  • Reduced frequency of duplicate landing sounds causing a weird noise
  • Fixed an issue where the "Set Velocity" chip would clear out rotational velocity on the object. All existing chips will become "Set Velocity (Deprecated)" chips that maintain the old behavior.

Rec Room Studio

  • Added more informative error messaging for certain types of room load failures.
  • Copy/Paste support now includes Copy and Duplicate operations initiated from the Hierarchy tab's context menu.
  • Update the rendering of Maker Pen Shapes in Rec Room Studio to match both the mesh geometry and materials used in the main Rec Room client.
  • Fix a bug where the chip palette window would sometimes get stuck in a state showing no data.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Make it to Midnight” edition

Advanced Creation Mode!

Maker Pen Advanced Creation Mode for PC keyboard and mouse is now available to everyone! Create faster than ever before with special hotkeys and professional workflows! Along with the full rollout, we also have some fixes and improvements to Advanced Creation Mode (ACM):

  • Disabled the Maker Pen's radial shortcut menu when using ACM .
  • Added a close button to the fullscreen config menu in ACM to make it easier to dismiss.
  • Updated ACM tutorial so it can be completed.
  • Fixed the formatting on the gun handle config to fit in ACM KBM config window.
  • Fixed a bug where ACM menus would flicker when working with Compound Objects.

General Improvements

  • The Make it to Midnight progression screen will no longer show players empty placeholder rewards in addition to the actual rewards for each level.
  • Allow walk input mode swap when a VR player using teleport movement enters a walk-only room.
  • Players may now change their sprint input mode with auto-sprint toggled on if they enter a room where the manual sprint is forced.
  • The following CV2 Event Receiver configurations have been released from Beta: Consumable Purchased, Room Key Purchased
  • Moods constant chips have initial values derived from subroom presets.
  • A new Local Player Set Nametag Visibility chip that allows creators to control whether the player sees the nametag of the target player. It takes priority over role settings.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare bug that can lock a player's movement when loading into a room.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Bonky's HUD to show up in Share Cam and Streamer Cam.
  • Samurai hat adjustment parameters updated not to cover players' eyes.
  • Shark Rail Gun fins now follow the reload animation in VR.
  • Fix radio voices from being 2.5D to 2D.
  • Fixed crash that would happen when Chips were extremely far away from the player.

Rec Room Studio

  • Previously we added Room Settings, now we have Subroom Settings as well! Now you don't have to tab into RecRoom to change specific subroom settings!
  • Automatically fix certain project settings such as which renderer is used if the settings have been changed.
  • Performance improvements in Rec Room Studio when opening the Upload & Build window.
  • Version number will now display in the Unity title bar.
  • IL2CPP is no longer required to test locally.
  • Include a link to screen share authorization application on room errors for not having proper permissions for video players.
  • Fix to allow RRObjectManager script to compile.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Make it to Midnight” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Publishing a room no longer requires a custom photo.
  • Door and Welcome Mat can now be added to Inventions.
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot move when joining Make It to Midnight.
  • Fixed an issue where the Watch sometimes stopped allowing players to switch between tabs.
  • MoodsV2 chip configuration can now be updated in multiplayer.
  • MoodsV2 Skydome and Sun constant chips config sliders cover the whole parameter range.
  • Released the following from beta: The Motion Trail component and all associated chips, Equals (new), If Has Tag, If Player Has Role, If Player Is Valid And Local, If Player Is Valid, Instance Get Max Players, Local Player Disable Interaction with Target Player, Local Player Enable Interaction with Target Player, Player Get Costume, Player Get Seat, Room Authority Changed event, Authority Changed event, Explosion Hit Player event, Explosion Hit Rec Room Object event, Projectile Hit Rec Room Object event.
  • Added 'Player Reset Name Color' chip in beta.
  • Added an option to send circuit events to a given player. When configuring Event Sender chips to the “Player” option, an additional player port will be added to specify which player to send the event to.
  • In Advanced Creation Mode, object transforms can be modified in the Maker Pen config menu.
  • In Advanced Creation Mode, an axis alignment widget is available to players in Maker Pen.

Rec Room Studio

  • Added a 'Fix me' button in the room errors window for material using an invalid shader that can be converted to a Rec Room Studio shader.
  • The correct error now shows in the room settings window if a room name is too long.
  • Some errors in the room errors window will now include a help button which will take you to a page that has more info available.
  • Fixed a bug where you sometimes couldn't ignore validation warnings.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Make it to Midnight” edition

You might have noticed we’ve been up to a few new things

Animation CV2 (Beta)

Animation is making its CV2 premiere! This patch marks the debut of the Animation Controller, a fully-fledged CV2 version of the Animation Gizmo. Plus there's a few new goodies like:

  • Setting animation speeds directly on the Animation Controller board or with the handy new Animation Set Speed chip. Oh! You can play animations in reverse with negative speed values too.
  • Pausing your animation at will and resuming it from that very same keyframe when you play again.
  • Snapping your animations to precise keyframes with the Animation Set Frame chip.

Data Tables (Beta)

Working with data has always been hard in circuits. Now you can store a bunch of stuff - numbers, text, and even Rewards - in a creator-editable, csv-importable, circuits-readable spreadsheet. Spawn a Data Table definition and configure it to get started. Get & Read Cell chips will need to be linked to a particular data table in their config menu in order to function.

  • New chips: Data Table, Data Table Read Cell, Data Table Get First Row Containing, Data Table Get All Rows Containing

Rewards (Beta)

Package up keys, currencies and consumables into Rewards, award them to players, and let them know about it with a fancy banner. When Progression is enabled (coming soon!) creators will be able to easily grant Rewards on level up and show upcoming Rewards for their room in the watch.

  • New chips: Reward, List Variable, Grant Reward, Show Reward Notification

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • The Watch Menu no longer sometimes shows other pages instead of the Home page.
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot filter and sort custom shirts under their own portfolio. Also fixed an issue where custom shirts would appear on the gifting page despite not being giftable.
  • Want a Touchpad Component with those chips? It's available (in beta) for real this time!
  • Fixed issues related to the Maker Pen toggle settings bug, ensuring proper application of snap settings, uniform shapes, and tube settings.
  • In Advanced Creation Mode, shape merge/split actions now show consistent notifications whether they are triggered by the quick-action menu or via hotkeys.
  • In Advanced Creation Mode, pressing enter key in the config menu will no longer cause an object to spawn from the search menu.
  • Objective Marker distance text will now update more responsively to changes in target or player position.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause chips to spawn in an incorrect orientation.
  • Fixed a bug where circuit ports sometimes turn black instead of glowing brighter when flashing to show execution.
  • Fixed the 'Is Valid' chip incorrectly returning true for deleted objects.
  • Child objects in OM rooms now have the option to have their transforms modified by chips.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused bulk purchases of avatar items to display the wrong price. Don't worry, you weren't overcharged!

Rec Room Studio

  • Most users can now log in to Rec Room Studio and use some limited functionality, even if they don't have full access yet. Full access is still required to upload rooms with Studio content.
  • Fixed an issue with copying Rec Room Studio subrooms where custom VisualPostProcessing and AudioClipRegistry changes were not copied.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Home Sweet Home” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Hierarchy menu scrolling now works on touch platforms.
  • Fixed vignettes not scaling with Maker Pen self-scaling on some VR platforms.
  • Added 'Player Get Costume' chip in beta.
  • In beta: List variables can now be cloud variables! As with other variable chips, you can set them as Cloud in their config menu.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the 'Audio Player Set Time Stamp' chip to break when used without an active audio clip.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause 'Get All With Tag' chips to return incorrect results.
  • Truckers and Mobsters, your days of shame are behind you! Mobster Shirt and Trucker Shirt no longer have transparent parts on low-end devices.
  • Holding the shoot button on the bow and arrow (or duel wielding) no longer causes a prompt with missing text when approaching the climbing wall in ^Orientation.

Rec Room Studio

  • Fixed some chat bugs:
  • Resolved an error that was blocking the creation of a new chat thread with co-owners
  • Resolved an error that caused co-owner chat messages to vanish
  • Added a dialog when attempting to chat with the same co-owner account that is signed into Rec Room Studio.
  • Reduced the time to load the content for the Download and Upload windows.
  • We fixed it so the Rec Room Studio version should always be displayed in the Unity title bar.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Home Sweet Home” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some older rooms couldn't load.
  • Fixed a bug where, when creating a new in-game Event, changing the datetimes would cause the end time to decrement by 5 minutes (which can double up or cancel out actually intended changes to the end time minute). Also, new Events should start as soon as it's time.
  • Added a hierarchy view to the Maker Pen menu for rooms with compound objects enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Equals chip and the Equals (New) chip (beta) would return false when comparing equivalent Audio values.
  • Fixed error tracking in 'Variable Changed' events.

Rec Room Studio

  • Rec Room Studio rooms can now synchronize Unity Animators! Simply add the new RecRoomStudioAnimatorSynchronizer component to your prefab next to an Animator. Any joining player will now get the Animation synchronized! Studio Event access to the Animator is now limited through the new Component. Use the SetBool/Integer/Float/TriggerParameter calls on it for synchronized changes.
  • You are no longer allowed to host public events in private rooms with Studio content that haven't passed moderation.
  • Fix a bug where new saves in rooms with Studio content would sometimes automatically be set as the public save when they shouldn't be.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Home Sweet Home” edition

UGC Touchpad

  • New UGC Touchpad component is now in Beta. Similar to how Whiteboards work, Touchpad gets a player’s 2d input (hands in VR, cursor controls on Screens) to allow players to “touch” an object. Now you can pat, rub, and scrub like a pro!
  • New chips/events in beta: Touchpad Touch Started, Touchpad Touch Updated, Touchpad Touch Ended, Touchpad Get Active Touch, Touchpad Get Interaction Enabled, Touchpad Set Interaction Enabled, Touchpad Get Interaction Label, Touchpad Set Interaction Label

Room Currency Customization Improvements

  • You can now give your Room Currencies a custom UI icon by choosing from a selection of icons and colors. Add some flash to your in-Room cash!
  • Each currency can share the same icon, but they cannot share the same color.
  • All existing currencies will still have the default icon, but the color(s) will be auto-assigned.
  • While only some users will be able to see the customization, ALL Creators will be able to view their own customizations in their Rooms.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • New Party Chat means that whenever you're in a party, you're in a party chat… even when you're in different rooms. Party Chat is now also automatically pinned at the top of your chats for easy access. Let's party!
  • We’ve begun rolling out the ability for players to purchase multiple Room Consumables in a single checkout. This feature is currently only available for paid Room Consumables.
  • We have fixed some recent issues with video player access. You should now be able to test your rooms using ‘Play Local’ again. Thanks for your patience!
  • Added melee hit event support to vehicle collisions. Bumper cars, anyone?
  • Fixed an audio issue that may have led to distorted or muffled audio in specific rooms.
  • Test Event now has a string parameter in the Maker Pen menu! This allows for an easier trigger of debug chips.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Self' chip from being cloned. But if you clone it, which will be your true ‘Self’...?
  • 'Respawn' and 'Room Reset' have been added to the list of griefable chips.
  • The 'From Rec Room Object' chip will now work correctly with Trigger Volume components.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented use of the Respawn chip to position inside an invisible collision component with player and object collision disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where players joining rooms at the same time could wind up with corrupted player boards.
  • Fixed the look of the Solstice Spring Bloom Antlers.

Rec Room Studio

  • The Rec Room Studio circuit palette will no longer place deprecated chips when an updated version is available.
  • Multiple object selection should work faster.
  • Removed some annoying pauses while working on assets in larger rooms.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Home Sweet Home” edition

Circuits Updates

  • Added a new Room Currency Constant chip in Beta, with support for Show Purchase Prompt, Award Currency, and Get Currency Balance chips. Note that the last two have their own new chips - Award Currency (New) and Get Currency Balance (New) respectively - and the old chips these two are based on will be deprecated once these leave beta.
  • New List node!
  • Added an 'Authority Changed' event to object boards in Beta.
  • Chips in inventions set to Edit & Save permissions are able to be configured.
  • Added buttons to reorder ports and port groups on circuit boards and object boards.
  • Eliminated a cause of connection pin flashing.

Player Interaction chips changes in Beta

  • Fixed a visual issue where the hold progress circle doesn't reset upon completing interacting with target player.
  • An empty progress circle will now display when hovering over a target player, if Player Interaction is enabled on them with a hold duration.
  • Highlights and interaction prompts no longer persist if you hold down your input after completing a player interaction.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • On Screens in Classic Control, players will now be able to perform tool primary actions on held tools when standing in front of another player offering social gestures. Previously the primary action was to accept social gestures.
  • On Screens, when a player is next to an interactable and another player who's offering social gestures, the targeting and action will now prioritize interactable. Previously you were prompted to accept social gestures over interact.
  • Maker Pen logging screen now supports multi-line strings.
  • Fixed an issue where text was cut off in menu pop-ups.
  • Fixed an issue where Maker Pen palette would show duplicate inventions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some vehicle settings not to save.

Rec Room Studio

  • Added a Download All button to the Rec Room Studio Download dialog to make it easier to update to the latest version of a room if you have no changes you want to keep.
  • Rec Room Studio players now have easier access to changing room settings without having to open up Rec Room! This should improve the work flow of creating and modifying rooms, especially as we make more settings available!
  • Rec Room Studio nested boards now display correctly again.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Home Sweet Home” edition

New Home

Over the last several months some of you with iPhones have received the new "Home" experience when launching Rec Room. We are excited to announce that Home has now been rolled out to a larger number of iPhone users.

As a reminder, Home was created to load Rec Room quickly, find what you want faster and bring in what you already love about Rec.Net. You can discover rooms, scroll the feed, comment on photos, and chat with friends, all with the core Rec Room experience being a tap away.

New Objective Marker System

We’ve been rolling out a new Objective Marker System!

  • Mark an in-world point of interest using the new Objective Markers. Set up a marker by configuring an Objective Marker constant, and then move, activate, and modify it using a suite of related chips. This UI marker renders on top of everything else to help guide players to their destination.
  • New Objective Marker chips in Beta: Objective Marker Constant, Get/Set Color, Get/Set Current Distance, Get/Set Distance Indicator Enabled, Get/Set Enabled, Get/Set Label Enabled, Get/Set Label, Get/Set Position, Get/Set Proximity Fade Threshold, Attach To Player Or Object, Get Target Object, and Get Target Player


  • New Beta Chips
    • If Player Is Valid
    • If Player Is Valid And Local
    • If Player Has Role
    • If Has Tag
    • Instance Get Max Players
    • Interaction Volume Set Hold Time
    • Interaction Volume Get Hold Time
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Player Left event to fire twice for each person who left the room. We've split this up into two events: Player Leaving (fired just before a player leaves) and Player Left (fired just after a player leaves).
    • The Player Leaving event is the last moment at which a given Player value is valid. It's your last chance to do anything that assumes they're in the room.
    • The Player Left event fires just after a player has left. Therefore, the Player value received with the event will always be invalid. (But you can still compare it with other values using Equals.)
    • The old Player Left event has been deprecated, so existing rooms should be unaffected.
  • Added default footstep and jumping SFX to the SFX Constant chip.
  • When using the "Configure" tool on Circuits Chips, the "Chip Options" tab will now be open by default.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Self' chip from being cloned.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some players not to have player boards.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cloud Data settings page wouldn't refresh once it was opened once in a room instance.

Maker Pen Improvements

  • Double-clicking with the Maker Pen select tool to unfreeze an object now works consistently in non-beta multiplayer environments.
  • Saving the room will no longer reset the object selected for Maker Pen creation to the default shape.
  • Better scaling on Manipulate tool handles with basic shapes.
  • Fixed an issue where a drag input using the Manipulate tool on a shape container would error instead of switching to shape editing mode.
  • Pressing tab will no longer break references to the edge you're currently trying to drag off.
  • Fixed a bug that caused existing shapes that were scaled uniformly via their containers to lose that scale when enabling hierarchical building.
  • Add buttons to AnimationController MakerPen Edit menu: "Clear Keyframes", "Clear Object Connections"

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Spawner location is not modified by room reset.
  • Fixed an issue where, when one player interacts with an Interaction Volume, the Interaction Volume would appear briefly disabled for other players.
  • Fixed bug where a room authority change could reset objects' positions if those objects are the parent of a Clamp gizmo.
  • Fixed bug where a room authority change could cause a collision to be improperly reenabled on Rec Room Studio objects clamped to held tools.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Player World UI to get in a corrupted state.
  • Fixed "Hide this Player's Name" setting on roles.
  • Fixed an issue where some trees would have blocky-looking shadows on non-mobile platforms.

Rec Room Studio

  • Gives creators a built-in way to have "billboard" style objects, including those with text on them! This just makes a very common object type more accessible to those less familiar with the troubles that come with 3D rotations.
  • Added some prompts to save unsaved changes to scenes before closing them when switching open rooms.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Extreme Fire Crunch” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Rec Room Object tags now support home values. Additions or deletions performed with tags through circuits will no longer save with the room, and will be reset when the room or object is reset.
  • We’ve added a ‘Bake Tags’ button to the Maker Pen Circuits Settings page. The goal was to allow players to turn tag sets into warm delicious cookies; but instead it seems to allow players to save tags set through circuits.
  • Improved the placement of the scale and move handles when using the Transform tool within a shape container with the “Rotate Around” pivot set.
  • Fixed Room Door destination when multiple Welcome Mats are in subroom of current room.
  • Shirts don’t go that way! Fixed avatar items appearing sideways in the display case.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Can Use Play Gizmos Toggle' permission to incorrectly default to ‘disabled’.
  • Fixed circuit error chip tracking for the ‘If Local Player Should Run’, ‘If Player Is Local’, variable chips, and remote Event Sender chips.
  • Fixed a bug that caused port previews to rotate incorrectly when viewing them in VR.
  • We're testing a "+" button next to the Token and Room Currency Balance that takes you to the page for purchasing more

Rec Room Studio

  • Creators can now create new rooms without leaving Unity! In the "Open Room" dialog, enter the name of the new room you wish to create and, if that name is not in use, click the "Create" button to create the new room.
  • Also in the "Open Room" dialog: creators can now search through a list of subrooms.
  • Things that cannot be cloned in game (i.e. Role Chips) now also give you an error if you try to copy/clone them within RR Studio. This increases consistency when creating things both in game and in RR Studio. You can see if any built-in item is cloneable by checking its RecRoomObjectInstance component.
  • Memory explorer can now help you find large or duplicate meshes that might be contributing to room memory bloat.
  • Alpha testing now works for Rec Room Studio/Lit shader on Quest & Pico.
  • Fixed an issue with Rec Room Studio rooms where Studio Objects that have a Physical PhysicsMode did not work for non-authority players.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Extreme Fire Crunch” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Teleport VR players will no longer get trapped in legacy flying mode.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing teleport VR players from picking things up with their left hands.
  • Fixed bug where copy-paste MakerPen tool was disabled.
  • Chips will no longer appear as grey boxes.
  • The following CV2 chips are now out of beta and available for use in all rooms: Show Purchase Prompt, Award Consumable, Award Room Key
  • Added the ability to activate a consumable directly from the purchase page.
  • Added the ability to tell what items in a UGC storefront you own already just by looking at it.

Rec Room Studio

  • The version of RR Studio that you are using now shows up in the Title-bar of Unity! This should make it easier to send screenshots of problems as you no longer have to go to the About window for RecRoom Studio to show Devs which version you're on.
  • Initial version of the "Memory Explorer" tool. Memory Explorer is the first of a set of performance-focused tools that we're working on. It's intended to be a hub for estimating the memory cost of your room on different platforms. Initially, it only supports textures & render targets, but will be expanded over time with meshes, audio, animation, video, and any other large-level resources.
  • There is now a Documentation... link within the Rec Room Studio drop-down in the Unity UI.
  • Adding Rec Room Studio content to a room will no longer change the visual post-processing settings. (Translation: uploading a room from Studio for the first time won't make it lose the blue tint.)
  • Fixed a Studio bug where Visual Post Processing effects would stop displaying in the scene view.
  • Fixed a bug where the Environment Lighting settings in rooms uploaded from Studio would be ignored.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Extreme Fire Crunch” edition

Circuits Updates

  • Event Sender chips configured to Room Authority of Authority will no longer take network heat when the target player is local.
  • Player Logic Boards have undergone some restructuring in order to improve performance and reduce their impact on the chip limit.
    • Player Logic Boards for each player will no longer count towards the overall room chip total. (Chips in Player Definition Boards will still count.)
    • Player Logic Boards will no longer appear over Players' heads.
  • Rename "HUD Element Constant" to "Game HUD Element constant"
  • In the config menu renamed button "Preview HUD Element" to "Set HUD Element Values"
  • New Chip: ‘Game HUD Element Set All Values’ overwrites HUD element with input constant’s home values.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the 'Create Circuit Board' operation to break the Maker Pen.
  • (Beta only) You can now configure Circuit events to fire when a player purchases a Room Key or a Consumable.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Restored presence info for each player on the friend page, so that you can better see what your friends are up to.
  • Windows Standalone now auto-focuses input fields for Room Chat and Maker Pen search, just like Steam.
  • Fixed a rare case where players would be missing most content on their Home screen.
  • Fixed a VR issue with incorrect initial rotation on a drag move/rotate operation when using the maker pen with the move or transform tools.
  • Bundle store displays will now always show the rarest items first.
  • Fixed a bug where the clothing customizer would not be available immediately after purchasing RR+.
  • Fixed a bug that caused extra undo steps to be added when creating shapes.

Rec Room Studio

  • Rec Room Studio no longer includes its own copy of Rec Room. Please install the latest Rec Room build via Steam or from Make sure to launch Rec Room before running "Play Local."
  • Objects created in Rec Room Studio for the orange scene now have consistent default values with objects created in-game with the Maker Pen. This provides more consistency across Rec Room Studio and Rec Room.
    • Wall running and clambering are now defaulted to true.
  • Fixed an issue with setting custom texture sizes in Rec Room Studio for textures with resolutions smaller than 32x32.
  • Fixed a bug where sending a room reset event in a Studio room could break the lighting.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Extreme Fire Crunch” edition

Saved Outfit ++ Part 2

We are rolling out a glammed-up Outfit page with some hotly requested features:

  • Set a custom thumbnail for your outfit on the new edit page!
  • Erase old outfits to free up outfit slots
  • View the elements that make your favorite fits
  • And make your best looks public to add them to your portfolio!

Storefront Improvements

We will be gradually rolling each of these features out to all players:

  • Item Cards on the Storefront Preview page will now include a Buy button, which brings the player directly to checkout.
  • Creators can now resize Storefronts to include more Item Cards on the Preview page.
    • Up to 50 cards from the Storefront's first carousel can be displayed.
    • Storefronts can be as large, small, short or long as you want them to be... up to 50 slots in either direction!

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added an exclusive or (xor) chip.
  • Now when doing a drag move with the transform tool and the pen is moved between the up and down buttons, the selection is rotated to match pen rotation.
  • Fixed a bug where joining a room via a meetup link resulted in the player not being in the party.
  • Players will no longer see an error message when trying to go to a friend that previously invited them to a different room.
  • Fixed an issue that affected switching back and forth between the maker pen and the charades pen.
  • Fixed an issue with shape creation mode; scale no longer adds an extra undo entry.
  • Fixed an issue where audio would not play when rotating objects with Rotate Tool.
  • Fixed an issue where shapes would not highlight when hovered with Manipulate Tool.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause old rooms to fail to load circuits.
  • Fix for vignette effect not showing up on iOS with graphics set to high quality.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Extreme Fire Crunch” flavor

The “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition continues to be stuffed full of so many new and improved Circuit goodies that we can’t fit them all into one update. Enjoy the intense sweet-hot taste of Extreme Fire Crunch Flavor dropping in with these 7 spices for better player interactions and smoother creation features:

Interaction Volume V2 object in Beta!

Creators! The new Interaction Volume V2 object in the Maker Pen Palette has everything the old Interaction Volume can do, and more:

  • Interaction Volume V2 supports hold interaction with a configurable duration
  • Interaction Volume V2 supports preserving hold progress if a hold interaction is canceled and not finished
  • Interaction Volume V2 supports applying movement speed multiplier (0 -1) while player's performing a hold interaction
  • Interaction Volume V2 supports more hold-interaction-related events on the Object Board (On Hold Started/Ended/Update, etc.).
    • Plus, all existing Interaction Volume chips will also be able to work on Interaction Volume V2. But wait, there’s more! The new Interaction Volume V2 also has these exclusive chips:
  • Interaction Volume Get Normalized Progress
  • Interaction Volume Set Normalized Progress
  • Creators can use these chips to read and write the hold progress on Interaction Volume V2 LOCALLY.
  • Note that both of these chips will only throw errors (and not useful functionality) if used on an old Interaction Volume

Gun Handle & Trigger Handle Improvements

We aimed at taking out a slew ‘o bugs with the Gun Handle You did? Yeah, want me to list them all? Go ahead... shoot.

  • The Primary Action Pressed/Held/Released events now work even if you have "Natural Grip" turned on in VR
  • The Primary Action Pressed/Held/Released events now only respond to the index finger trigger in VR
  • In VR, you can now trigger a reload by grabbing the handle using either trigger on your opposite hand. (Previously, it had to be your index finger... which felt weird.)
  • The Reload Action Pressed/Held/Released events are now always only received by the player holding the gun handle. (Previously, it depended on whether they were in VR.)
  • The Primary Action Held/Released events no longer fire when you're picking up the gun handle. (We brought this fix to the Trigger Handle too!)
  • Fixed a bug in VR where holding a Gun Handle in each hand would result in circuit events only being fired for one of them
  • Fixed a bug in VR where Gun Handles sometimes wouldn't work if they were put in your hand using the Equip Object chips

Combat Circuit Event improvements

Gun handles aren’t the only combat features we’ve been working on. Check out all these new Circuit features to ramp up the action in your rooms!

  • Added 'Melee Hit Player' event in beta to the Player Definition Board
  • Added 'Projectile Hit Rec Room Object' event in beta to the Projectile Launcher object board
  • The Projectile Launcher now supports a Rec Room Object specific damage value, accessible through the configure menu as well as the new beta chips: Look for the Projectile Launcher Set Rec Room Object Damage and Projectile Launcher Get Rec Room Object Damage chips.
  • Added new chip Projectile Launcher Get Firing Player in beta
  • Deprecated and replaced the 'Explosion Hit Player' event in the Player Definition Board. The new event will now work with most explosives

Clothing Customizer Improvements

A handful of custom shirts improvements are gonna be rolled out a bit at a time, so some of you will start to see:

  • Added buttons to the clothing customizer to scale the customizer up or down
  • Stop, it’s perfect. We added a button to the clothing customizer to freeze the customizer
  • Riffing on your designs is now easier! We added a button to a custom shirt's Edit page to copy its design to the clothing customizer
  • Added an option to show the backside of your custom shirt in the store thumbnail

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Doors V2 and Destination constant chips now support private rooms. Like Door V1 (Legacy), they will only transfer the player if they are an owner of the private room.
  • Released the following from beta: Sun Direction V2 component, all Moods V2 chips, Clamp, List Copy, Player Get Room Index, Room Index Get Player, Player Is In Party
  • Added Overlap Box and Get Angular Velocity chips in beta.
  • The output of the Overlap Sphere chip is now sorted by the distance in ascending order.
  • Improved text clarity for PC VR.
  • Touch now has the option to turn off Auto Sprint, which enables a manual sprint button in the lower right corner.

Rec Room Studio

  • Uploads with changes only to the Maker Pen scene are now instantly available in the game with no need for a lengthy cloud build
  • Fixed a Studio issue where SendCircuitsEvent calls on AnimationEvents or disabled components were not causing the generation of an event in that object's Object Board
  • The upload and download window got some updates including the ability to see a removed file, sort by size, and display meta-file changes
  • UnityEvents on an EventTrigger that calls SendCircuitsEvent now automatically update the Object Board when rebuilding the board
  • Memory usage for Rec Room Studio rooms has been improved, making room load a bit more stable for low-memory devices
  • Room Save Inspector panel got some polish

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

Circuits Changes

  • Added a bunch of new chips in beta:

    • Player Head chips: Player Head Position, Player Head Rotation, Player Head Forward Direction, Player Head Up Direction, Player Head Velocity, Player Head Height
    • Player gaze chips: Local Player Gaze Origin, Local Player Gaze Direction
    • Player Get Seat - This chip will return the seat a player is in if said seat is a maker pen object. This chip does not work with vehicle seats.
  • Chip port selection should now be more reliable. (We think we fixed it! Please tell us if ports are still being weird.)

  • Decreased the volume of circuit error SFX. It could be argued that getting jump-scared whenever you get an error is a good way to train yourself to not make mistakes. On the other hand, it could be argued that… not that.
  • Fixed a bug where some Circuits math chips would continue to compute as though additional input ports were there, even after they had been removed. Math does not believe in ghosts.
  • Player Radio Channel Chip change: the thresholds when radio effects kick in/go away now account for the voice rolloff settings for the player in the room.
  • Deprecated and replaced the Distance chip, as well as the Player Get Position/Rotation/Velocity chips. They are now based on the player’s “root,” in order to be consistent with their setters.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • All players, including non-RR+ members, can now create room keys and currencies! (You’ll still need RR+ in order to set prices on keys and create currency packages.)
  • Added a new voice roll-off option of 15.
  • The respawn delay on objects can now be set as low as 0.1 seconds. We’ve also added an option to disable the respawn visual effect if you really hate those orange cubes.
  • Added highlight to the clone tool.
  • Fixed various skins that were missing some pieces.
  • Fixed corruption of subtitle text in VR. (Hooray!)
  • Fixed a small audio issue with the Room Chat send button.
  • Fixed an issue where some PC players were experiencing inconsistent behavior with a surface snap.

Rec Room Studio

  • Deleted boards will no longer re-appear in the game. Use the right-click editor menu on the object Rec Room Studio -> Remake Object Board, to create the board again.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.