For the August Final Leaderboard, please visit the August leaderboard page.

October PROGRAM PAGE LAUNCH: The program page for October Room Rewards is now live. Please check out the page for this month’s updates and details.

The following 6 categories will be eligible for this month’s Room Rewards: art, quest, pvp, roleplay, hangout, and game. Rooms can participate for rewards under any of the categories above.  

Don’t forget - each room can only compete in one of the categories, so make sure to carefully select and tag your room with the category you’d like to compete in! Check the category definitions below under “What Are Room Categories?” if you need clarification on what category your room should fall under. 

This month's goal metrics will be the Average Play Time AND the Number of Revisits in Rooms. 

Rooms will be assigned to either tier below based on the number of users visiting the room. Your room will compete within the corresponding tier and earn respective rewards of that tier (if you win). 

  1. Gold Tier: This tier consists of rooms with 10k+ user visits throughout the month. Based on the goal metrics, we will reward the top 5 rooms in each category by giving each winning room 3.75M tokens.

  2. Silver Tier: This tier consists of rooms with 5k - 10k user visits throughout the month. Based on the goal metrics, we will reward the top 5 rooms in each category by giving each winning room 1.25M tokens.

  3. Bonus Challenge: All qualified rooms will compete for the best Average Play Time on Mobile Devices. The top 20 rooms of this metric will be rewarded 1.875M tokens.

Monthly Challenge

Updated on Oct 1st.

Note: Only Top 5 in each Category will be eligible for rewards. Only Top 20 in Bonus Challenge will be eligible for rewards.


  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #art

    1. ^AFK_Art
    2. ^The.Darkness.Sky
    3. ^TheWitchCottage
    4. ^ArtWinter
    5. ^winter.island

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #game

    1. ^CardsAgainstTheEndOfHumanity
    2. ^NBA2K23.RRS
    3. ^MiningSimulator_2
    4. ^MuscleLegends_RR
    5. ^LuckyblockSimulator

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #hangout

    1. ^ArabNeverForget
    2. ^RecSpanishZone
    3. ^BarBrasil
    4. ^LNS.STUDIO
    5. ^LGBTQplusSocialHangout

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #pvp

    1. ^MARVELHeroPvP
    2. ^StarWarsSaberScrim2
    3. ^Western.PVP.2
    4. ^ClashOfKingdoms_PVP
    5. ^WizardPowersPVP

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #quest

    1. ^TheBankRobbery
    2. ^LemonsEscapeRooms
    3. ^UltimateSkyObby
    4. ^AutopsyOfJaneDoe
    5. ^FirefallParkour

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 10k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #roleplay

    1. ^SCP_Foundation_RR
    2. ^Build-Your-Own-Skibidi-Toilet_Pose
    3. ^FNaFDaycareRR
    4. ^
    5. ^


  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #art

    1. ^BeautyNature
    2. ^WorkAtWendyss
    3. ^Art.triumpia
    4. ^WhimsyWoods
    5. ^WorkAt7-Eleven

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #game

    1. ^Knockout_Simulator
    2. ^Race_Clicker_RR
    3. ^MuItiClicker
    4. ^ArmWrestleSimulatorRR
    5. ^GiftBoxSimulator

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #hangout

    1. ^ArabYakuza
    2. ^CozyDocks
    3. ^Lucky.Penthouse
    4. ^Foo-PentHouse
    5. ^ArabEnjoy

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #pvp

    1. ^MarvelsWar
    2. ^-Survivezombies-
    3. ^ConsoleBattles
    4. ^OnePunchMan_Pvp
    5. ^SkibidiToiletPvP2

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #quest

    1. ^AReelAdventure
    2. ^PlanZeta-Imperfectum
    3. ^TheBackDoor
    5. ^JumbotronNeonParkour

  • Please note to appear on the leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of 5k unique visitors in the current month and be tagged with #roleplay

    1. ^FutureMilitary
    2. ^Secret_Field_Military
    3. ^Arab_Street
    4. ^build-your-fnaf-sb
    5. ^DemonSlayerALPHA


  • Please note to appear on this leaderboard the room must meet the minimum requirement of being tagged with #seprrmonthly and 1 category before the due date.

    1. ^CardsAgainstTheEndOfHumanity
    2. ^MarvelsWar
    4. ^MiningSimulator_2
    5. ^TheBankRobbery
    6. ^AutopsyOfJaneDoe
    7. ^Lucky.Penthouse
    8. ^build-your-fnaf-sb
    9. ^RecSpanishZone
    10. ^AReelAdventure
    11. ^SCP_Foundation_RR
    12. ^Foo-PentHouse
    13. ^ClashOfKingdoms_PVP
    14. ^TheBackDoor
    15. ^
    16. ^
    17. ^LemonsEscapeRooms
    18. ^ArabNeverForget
    19. ^LuckyblockSimulator
    20. ^JumbotronNeonParkour