Rec Room PATCH - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

Audio Player improvements

  • Added new chips in beta:
    • Audio Player Get Audio
    • Audio Player Set Time Stamp
    • Audio Player Set Max Rolloff Distance
    • Audio Player Get Max Rolloff Distance
    • Audio Get Length
  • Added settings when configuring the Audio Player to control the rolloff curve and the doppler effect.
  • The 'Audio' type is now fully supported with the 'To String' chip and with port hover previews.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Audio Player to reset the playback position when paused and resumed.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • For players with localization, you can now invite your friends to join Rec Room in your language.
  • Changes made through the Button Set Text chip will no longer save with the room.
  • The Button and Dome Light components can now be unsynced.
  • Added new SFX for each type of circuit error.
  • We've updated the behavior of Debug Targeted Execution. When enabled, exec ports can now be run by long-pressing them with the Connect tool. Quickly tapping them with Connect will disconnect them.
  • Cleaned up "invalid players" in Circuits. You should now be able to properly compare Player values with Equals chips in all circumstances, even when they are no longer valid. Hovering over Player ports whose values are invalid will now show "Invalid Player (None)" for (None), or "Invalid Player (#)" with a number to refer to a specific player who has left.
  • Deprecated and replaced the Player Variable chip. The old version had a bug where, when synced, it would start outputting (None) when the player it was storing a reference to left the room.
  • Selections with object boards are now supported with the Copy, Clone, and Make Invention operations.
  • Fixed the bug that the player can boost wolf ride, 50s car and truck in VR mode by pressing sprint button.
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox where brightly colored blobs would sometimes appear around UI dialogs.
  • Removed the blue tint effect that occurs in dark rooms for Rec Room Studio rooms.
  • Players who own some but not all items in a bundle offer will now automatically see the bundle as a purchase option, regardless of other filtering in place (such as a filter excluding players who already own all of the items).
  • Fixed a bug that could lock up the watch if it was closed during a purchase.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.