Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

Circuits Changes

  • Added a bunch of new chips in beta:

    • Player Head chips: Player Head Position, Player Head Rotation, Player Head Forward Direction, Player Head Up Direction, Player Head Velocity, Player Head Height
    • Player gaze chips: Local Player Gaze Origin, Local Player Gaze Direction
    • Player Get Seat - This chip will return the seat a player is in if said seat is a maker pen object. This chip does not work with vehicle seats.
  • Chip port selection should now be more reliable. (We think we fixed it! Please tell us if ports are still being weird.)

  • Decreased the volume of circuit error SFX. It could be argued that getting jump-scared whenever you get an error is a good way to train yourself to not make mistakes. On the other hand, it could be argued that… not that.
  • Fixed a bug where some Circuits math chips would continue to compute as though additional input ports were there, even after they had been removed. Math does not believe in ghosts.
  • Player Radio Channel Chip change: the thresholds when radio effects kick in/go away now account for the voice rolloff settings for the player in the room.
  • Deprecated and replaced the Distance chip, as well as the Player Get Position/Rotation/Velocity chips. They are now based on the player’s “root,” in order to be consistent with their setters.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • All players, including non-RR+ members, can now create room keys and currencies! (You’ll still need RR+ in order to set prices on keys and create currency packages.)
  • Added a new voice roll-off option of 15.
  • The respawn delay on objects can now be set as low as 0.1 seconds. We’ve also added an option to disable the respawn visual effect if you really hate those orange cubes.
  • Added highlight to the clone tool.
  • Fixed various skins that were missing some pieces.
  • Fixed corruption of subtitle text in VR. (Hooray!)
  • Fixed a small audio issue with the Room Chat send button.
  • Fixed an issue where some PC players were experiencing inconsistent behavior with a surface snap.

Rec Room Studio

  • Deleted boards will no longer re-appear in the game. Use the right-click editor menu on the object Rec Room Studio -> Remake Object Board, to create the board again.

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Improved Copy + Paste in Rec Room Studio to make it harder to accidentally paste mixed selections of Studio and non-Studio objects in Unity, which does not copy the Maker Pen objects correctly.
  • Added ‘AddVectorTransform’ and ‘VectorInverseTransform’ chips in beta.
  • You can now search for any published custom shirt.
  • Fixed a bug with the Rec Room Object Reset chip not resetting Studio Objects for all players
  • Fixed the possibility of all audio breaking in Jumbotron, as well as any other rooms with Assassin Bots or Mouse Bots. The Mouse Bots are supposed to be stealthy, but not /that/ stealthy.
  • Play Audio At Position chip (beta) now shows a CV2 error if trying to play an audio clip at a playback speed of 0.
  • Fixed the room resets for Beacon & Particle Emitter V2.
  • UI now appears correctly when disabling self-scaling at a non-default scale.

Rec Room Studio

  • Fixed several bugs that could cause 'Upload & Build' to fail silently.
  • Screen Space Canvas HUDs are now supported on VR platforms
  • Corrected an issue that could cause Permission Denied errors to appear rapidly in the console when opening a room for which the creator is a Temporary Co-owner. Improved the Rec Room Studio user experience for opening room saves with better error messaging if opening a room fails for any reason.
  • Fixed a bug that may prevent you from uploading your room while other creators are playing in the room.
  • Using .dds & .texture2d files that contained compressed texture data would cause 'Upload & Build' to fail. Added a room error when one of these formats is used.
  • Fixed vertex color for Rec Room Studio Lit shader.
  • Disable detail support on Rec Room Studio/Lit shader until it can be supported by game..

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Radial shortcut menu in ProUX mode won't stay open if a focus is attempted while it's open.
  • Deprecated and replaced Greater Than, Greater Or Equal, Less Than, and Less Or Equal chips. The old versions treated very close float values as though they were equal. The new versions do not.
  • Fixed the new Equals chip (beta) not understanding that Infinity is equal to Infinity. (Yes, not all infinities are the same size. No, we did not explain that to the Equals chip.) Fixed a bug where using the Maker Pen to interact with full body costume dummy while another player is wearing the costume breaks the PiP for the costume-wearing player.
  • Fixed bugs that caused the comment chip to not show its comment body, and to not update its color in some instances when a comment body had been set.
  • Fixed an invalid password attempt resulting in the player having to press the back arrow more than once to get back to the switch account screen.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

Hope you’re all wired up for this latest patch! You won’t be board by this update. We’ve taken your input and processed that into a program of electrifying new fixes and features! And its not the same old junk(tion)-- Rec Room Studio is branching out with a new tool for editing circuits! And if you don’t node, now you node…

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added a new Room Owner Lock toggle to object configurations. Room owners can now lock down objects and chips in their rooms so that only other co-owners can manipulate them.
  • Chip Settings now display the correct number of modifiable properties.
  • Fixed a bug that could break some props when holstered on a disconnecting player.
  • Fixed a bug where using the Maker Pen and Share Cam equip shortcuts would not actually equip the tools to your hand if you're gesturing or posing.
  • Fixed an issue with VR creators being able to move/scale shapes with their off-hand when using the Maker Pen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused player input ports on new chips to default to '(None)' instead of 'Local Player'.
  • Fixed the bug that 'Motion Trail' components have physics collisions with other room objects when their positions are being updated.

Rec Room Studio

Rec Room Studio now has a Circuit Editor!

  • Open the new window via Rec Room Studio -> Circuit Editor...
  • Select any circuit in the main view and click the magnifying glass to populate the Circuit Editor window
  • Use common Unity controls to move and connect chips, or to navigate around the circuits
  • Right-click on chips to access controls like renaming or setting event types.
  • Double-click any board to view its contents
  • Create new chips via the Circuit Palette window or simply right-click on an empty space and choose Create Node.
  • Setup new boards by adding functions and ports on the In or Out bus via the right-click menu
  • Enjoy an updated Scene view representation of your circuitry!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

New Home

Some of you with iPhones will start to notice something new when you first launch the app. This is what we are calling “Home,” our new launch experience. Home was created to load quickly into Rec Room and brings in what you already love about Rec.Net. You can scroll the feed, comment on photos, discover rooms, and chat with friends, all with the core Rec Room experience being a tap away.

Maker Pen Shortcuts

Maker Pen radial menu shortcuts are available for Keyboard and Gamepad! Use it for quick access to a few high-frequency tools, undo, and search. Available on the Default control scheme by holding down middle/right click or left trigger.

Circuits Updates

  • Fixed several of the ‘Player World UI’ chips not caring about the net heat limit.
  • The cooldown period for the Player Prompt Multiple choice chip has been decreased, and the chip will now display a warning if it's used while it is in cooldown. The chip will also no longer timeout when run for the local player.
  • New chips in Beta: List Remove Item (First) List Remove Item (All) String Replace String Split Whitespace String Trim Color to RGB Color to HSV

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • We’re testing out a huge improvement to the Outfits menu! Take a stylish spin around Rec Room with the following QOL improvements:
  • Outfits are now nameable AND searchable.
  • A new dynamic scrolling layout.
  • Fast links to purchase more outfit slots with RR+ or additional outfit items in the store.
  • Did you know you can jump to get out of some seats? Well, now there's a button prompt so you know!

Rec Room Studio

  • Improve performance in Studio for Rec Room Objects with a large number of exposed properties or events

  • Fixed an issue in Rec Room Studio where removing the Rec Room Object component from a prefab left the room's Maker Pen Scene in an incorrect state

  • Added support for post-processing effects in Rec Room Studio.
  • You can now enter search terms to filter the list of rooms displayed in the Pick Room window.
  • You can now chat with co-owners who are playing in the same room that you are editing.

Rec Room Studio uploads no longer allow files greater than 100 MB in order to improve stability in the cloud build process.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

Equals Node V2 - Value Equals

  • Added a new version of the Equals chip in beta.
    • The new version supports up to 64 inputs, and short-circuits once it finds an input that isn't equal to the others. So if the first two values are different, you won't pay the heat cost for the other 62!
    • It also checks for value equality when comparing lists. That means that two lists will be considered equal if each of their corresponding elements are equal. One more way in which lists are now slightly less weird!
    • It also also has a fix for a bug where casting a value to Rec Room Object and then comparing it with the original value would return false. That didn't make any sense, so we made it make sense.
    • It also also also has a fix for a bug where if you compared a "Rec Room color" with the exact same color from the custom color picker, it would return false. The new version understands that the same colors are the same.

CircuitsV2 chips for Player Interactions

  • Added a beta Circuits feature that lets you interact with other players!
  • You can now interact with players in a similar way as doors, buttons, and items in Rec Room!
  • Use the "Player Enable Interaction Locally" and "Player Disable Interaction Locally" chips to turn this on and off for players in a room, and configure how those interactions should work.
  • Use the "Event Receiver" chip inside a Player Definition Board to see when a player has interacted with someone!

Other Circuits Changes

  • Background Objects Constant filter path corrected to "Circuits\Constant\"
  • Fog Constant filter path corrected to "Circuits\Constant\"
  • Skydome Constant filter path corrected to "Circuits\Constant\"
  • Sun Constant filter path corrected to "Circuits\Constant\"
  • Added new chip ‘Get Local Camera Position’.
  • Added new chips ‘Player Get Body Position’, ‘Player Get Body Orientation’.
  • Added new chips ‘Player Is Mod’, ‘Player Is Host.’
  • Added LerpUnclamped and InverseLerpUnclamped chips (beta).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Audio Player Get Audio chip to return an invalid audio clip.
  • Fixed a bug with InverseLerp with Color or Vector3 - if the start and end values are the same, the result will now always be 0. This matches the behavior when using it with float.
  • Fixed an issue where control panels for objects would sometimes very slowly drift away from where they were when not selected.
  • Fixed a bug where object boards from unselected objects would sometimes come along for the ride when cloning/copying/making an invention. Beware of hitchhiking ghosts!
  • Deprecated and replaced the To String chip. The new version "properly" wraps "strings" in "quotes" when they're inside of "lists" and "tuples."

In-Room Economy Improvements

  • Added the 'Award Room Key' and 'Award Consumable' chips. These give users a Key/Consumables without needing to purchase. This also enables you to bundle your Keys/Currencies/Consumables with a single purchase.
  • Added 'Show Purchase Prompt' chip. This pulls up the details page of a Key or Consumable on the watch. Now you can use Buttons, Interaction Volumes, etc. for purchasing Keys/Consumables.
  • To use these chips, make sure you have Creator Beta Tools enabled for the room.
  • The 'Add Currency' chip has been renamed to 'Award Currency'
  • Lastly, Creators and Co-Owners can now set their own Room Currency balance for debugging/testing. You can locate this on the Room Currencies page in the Room Settings.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug for Gamepad triggers requiring a full press to do certain actions.
  • Fixed a bug causing friend codes to not add the other player as a friend when submitted.
  • No longer showing maker pen tool handles if the object is frozen.
  • Non-selectable objects now block maker pen tools, avoiding the possibility of deleting or selecting objects that are hidden from view behind a non-selectable object.
  • Fixed a bug where CV1 Spawners would sometimes stop working after being cloned or put into an invention. (Unfortunately, any already-broken inventions will stay that way - sorry!)

Rec Room Studio

  • When you stare into the void, it no longer stares into you. We fixed a bug with uploads failing when a skybox material isn't set.
  • RRS objects now displays the bounds properly and keeps the collision after a reset.
  • Upgraded the version of Universal Render Pipeline that Rec Room Studio shaders use to URP 10

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added new component Motion Trail in Beta, along with new Get and Set chips for: Trail Enabled, Trail Color, Trail Lifetime, and Trail Opacity. Attach a motion trail to a moving object and configure it to customize your trail.
    • When looking at the “Upcoming Events” section of someone else’s profile, private events will no longer be listed. Now you can RSVP to that Taylor Swift VIP pre-show without your friends ever knowing… until you end up sitting next to each other.
  • Fixed bug introduced with the last update where burst fire guns had a longer delay between rounds of burst fire.
  • “Rotate in place” now works correctly for odd-shaped objects. They will now… get ready for it… rotate in place! Amazing, we know.
  • Added Root chip (for computing roots… like a square root… or a cube root… or an 87th root) in beta.
  • Quaternion Slerp has been renamed to Slerp and now supports Vector3 inputs.
  • If you move your Maker Pen while spawning a prop, it will now be moved to wherever you’re pointing when it spawns in.
  • When self-scaled in VR with the Maker Pen, notifications will now appear at the correct size.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Get Time Zone chip to return incorrect times during daylight savings.
  • Fixed an issue where Rec Room Studio rooms would fail to load if their skybox material was set to None.

Rec Room Studio

  • A list of co-owners who are playing in the room you are editing is now displayed in the Rec Room Studio tab in Unity.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.: [url=][/url]

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “All That and a Bag of Chips” edition

Released from Beta

  • The Laser Pointer component and all associated chips
  • Room Key Constant and Player Owns Room Key
  • Audio Get Length, Audio Player Get Audio, Audio Player Get Max Rolloff Distance, Audio Player Set Max Rolloff Distance, and Audio Player Set Time Stamp
  • Set Player Vignette and Clear Player Vignette
  • Get Closest and Get Farthest
  • Player Get Time Zone
  • HSV To Color, RGB To Color, and Parse Color
  • Player Get Is Jumping Or Falling
  • Player Prompt Multiple Choice

Player Radio Beta Chips

Added new Beta chips that enable player radio:

  • Player Set Radio Channel
  • Player Get Radio Channel
  • Remove Player From Radio Channel

Creators can use these to add/remove players in the room from a radio channel (defined by non-negative integers). Players in the same radio channel will be able to communicate via team radio when they are far away (The distance thresholds for the radio is consistent to those in ^RecRoyale & ^RecRally). Note that the radio chips will not work well together with Team Radio Support in Game Rules chip. Only use one or the other in your room.

More Beta Changes

  • Added 'Recalculate Room Authority' chip in beta
  • Added 'Room Authority changed' event receiver in beta
  • Added ‘Inverse Lerp’ chip in beta
  • Added ‘Log Error’ chip in beta
  • Added 'Get Loading Players' in beta to count the number of players currently loading into the room. Deprecated and replaced 'Get All Players' to exclude invalid players that are still loading into the room.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added Haptic chip to play haptics for the local player through a held object. At this time, haptics are only supported on VR.
  • To keep Rec Room a safe and welcoming place to hang out, we've tweaked our voice moderation to improve how well and how often it works.
  • Added Volume, Playback Speed Shift, and Playback Speed Variation options to the Audio constant chips.
  • Added a new Play Audio At Position chip for playing an audio clip one time at a position in your room.
  • Fixed a long-standing bug where all guns had inconsistent fire rates. This varied with framerate but affected all devices, not just low-framerate ones. This fix affects all types of RRO guns and UGC Gun Handles. Automatic and burst-fire guns should all now hit their maximum fire rate, and it will be easier to achieve higher fire rates with semi-automatic guns as well.
  • Related to the above fix, all beam gun weapons now deal a consistent amount of damage at different framerates.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping off a climbing wall in third-person mode could leave your head and hands in a weird state.
  • Fixed vertical FOV in desktop mirror in VR mode; streaming cam now matches main view again.
  • Add the ability to change the trigger handle's controls tip via the config menu and chips.
  • Fix an issue where the Maker Pen menu button text would not render properly on android mobile.
  • When using move and transform tools, click-and-dragging on an object will leave it selected even if wasn't previously selected.
  • Doing a click-and-drag operation with the scale tool on an unselected object will scale the object.
  • Player notifications will now always show in front of 3D objects.
  • Fix hats previewed in the store using different hat placement restrictions than purchased hats.
  • Fixed a few bugs where clearing out your display name or bio while editing your profile would cause the old display name or bio to come back.
  • Sometimes an invention preview would appear in the center of the room during creation. This will no longer happen.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Shape Up!” edition

New Palette Shapes!

Now in Beta... We've added 21 new shapes to the palette! (That’s right - no more unauthorized mounds!) We've reordered the shapes and split them into two views - “Default Shapes” for the shapes in the classic Rec Room style, and “All Shapes” for everything. Your preferred view is remembered between sessions. We can't wait to see what you build!

Laser Pointer Improvements

  • Added a 'Scale Length' toggle, to optionally scale beam length with the component scale.
  • The laser is now projected into the +Z direction, rather than +Y.
  • Fixed a bug that caused disabled Laser Pointer components to appear enabled for joining players.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause all kinds of notifications to force the Watch to open.
  • As part of the adjustments made to Laser Tag at the end of January, we mentioned that we added buckets to the lobbies. Unfortunately, they never showed up. We’ve fixed it - there are now buckets. And with that, every issue with Laser Tag has been officially fixed, and it is perfect.
  • Fixed search field autofocus when using tear-off palette on PC.
  • A locked Interaction Volume will no longer occlude other objects sitting behind it.
  • Added List Copy chip in beta.
  • Fixed a bug where newly created spawner gadgets couldn’t spawn AIs.
  • Made it so that jumping into the ocean in Rec Royale will immediately down you.
  • ProBuilder objects in RR Studio rooms should no longer disappear when loaded in-game.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

Moods V2

This went out a few weeks ago, and we missed the notes, whoops! Change the ambience of your room by editing the skybox, sun, fog, and background objects, now with CV2. Configure a constant for each element, then turn it on with circuits or apply it to the room to use it as the default. (Activating CV2 moods will entirely override CV1. Use the subroom settings to return to one of the built in defaults.) Includes the following chips: Sun constant, Fog constant, Skybox constant, Background Objects constant, as well as Modify and Reset chips for each type.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where mines could block interactions in Rec Royale in VR mode. Currently, the player can normally interact while a mine is sticking to your body. If you use this bug to block players' interactions in your rooms, it could impact your rooms.
  • Fixed an issue where certain sound effects would not respond to the volume sliders in the Audio settings.
  • Fixed the "I Support" section on player profiles.
  • Fixed a bug where all players that were respawned, regardless of role settings on the spawn point objects, would spawn at the same spawn point.
  • Added 'Player Get Room Index' and 'Room Index Get Player' chips in beta. A player's 'room index' is an identifying number that is assigned to each player in a room. Joining players will be assigned the lowest unoccupied index.
  • Game management buttons will be hidden on the 'This Room' page if there are no legacy CV1 game chips in the room.
  • Fixed a bug where old Quaternions saved in cloud variables were getting their components mixed up when loaded.
  • Fixed scrollbars showing on pages that weren't big enough to scroll for PC players.
  • Detecting even more power cores…

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Hope this puts you in a good mood: Rec Room Studio rooms now support Mood v1 chips!
  • Added an “Always Snap Circuits” option in Maker Pen under the Circuits & Debugging dropdown menu. When toggled, circuit boards moved together will always snap to each other, regardless of your current Maker Pen snapping mode.
  • When using the MakerPen rotate tool on a shape inside a container with Rotate Around Pivot set, the shape will now rotate around the container's pivot point rather than the shape's center point.
  • The MakerPen transform tool now respects the RotateAroundPivot setting as well.
  • Saving changes to a swatch, creating a new swatch, and deleting a swatch now correctly updates the list of swatches when performed.
  • Fixed a bug where the From Rec Room Object chip would fail to convert seats properly. We couldn't stand having that bug. So now we're... seated? Yeah, sure, that works.
  • Seats will now also have their Lock Player In and Lock Player Out values reset when you use room reset from the MakerPen.
  • Dracula finally learned to aim! Fixed a bug where Dracula's fireballs would frequently collide with his own cape in Crescendo.
  • Fixed a bug where offline rooms booted from RRS would attempt and fail to update room permissions.
  • Fixed the distance output on the Spherecastchip.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Radius' input on the 'Respawn' chip not to work as expected.
  • Fixed a bug where Text Set Text wouldn't always respect the net heat limit.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the MakerPen to be invisible after being pulled from the backpack.
  • Fixed a bug where grabbing a handle of a vehicle that had been clamped to something broke it. If you rip the handle off a vehicle now, consider if you are just incredibly strong.
  • Fixed a bug where merging shapes would show incorrect selection bounds.
  • Added various fixes and stability improvements for Hierarchical Building Alpha Preview.
  • Fixed a desync that happened with Holotars and Audio Samplers when a player was muted or PTT while recording.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the end of an input field caused the text cursor to go to the second to last position instead of the end of the text.
  • Fixed a bug where screen-mode players could get into a broken state if they went to a new room while holding a drawn bow.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • One cannot get that drip, if one cannot seek the drip. Check the watch menu shop and use the search to find your next look in the top 1000 trending shirts.
  • The Full Body Costume Dummy now works with the Set Position chip, and can be wired to gizmos.
  • Get that party started, creators! There’s a new chip that checks if the player is in a party.
  • Added a Clamp Circuits chip that keeps numbers from turning to utter chaos… that is, keep them within a certain range.
  • Sure, time is a flat circle, but where are you on that circle? Find out with the 'Player Get Time Zone' chip in beta.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Set Player Name Color' chip to use more network heat than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented synchronized Destination Room variables from working. We always knew they were destined for greatness…
  • Fixed another bug where players would sometimes join a room, but fail to load all of the CV2 chips. That should be the last of 'em!
  • Fixed several long standing issues with grid snapping
  • This is why we don’t throw things at people…sometimes the MakerPen would become inoperable after hitting another player with it and then picking it up quickly. We fixed that issue, but, like, don’t take that as an excuse to go hurling your Maker Pen as a weapon.
  • Fixed a bug where configuring an item with the maker pen could lead to random scrolling in the UI when editing values
  • Fixed a bug that blocked some characters when configuring HUD element labels
  • Fixed a bug that broke voice chat in a small number of rooms
  • All Gamepad/Keyboard control schemes are unlocked now!
  • For new players, third person beta may require opting in from the settings menu before it can be used.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

Audio Player improvements

  • Added new chips in beta:
    • Audio Player Get Audio
    • Audio Player Set Time Stamp
    • Audio Player Set Max Rolloff Distance
    • Audio Player Get Max Rolloff Distance
    • Audio Get Length
  • Added settings when configuring the Audio Player to control the rolloff curve and the doppler effect.
  • The 'Audio' type is now fully supported with the 'To String' chip and with port hover previews.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Audio Player to reset the playback position when paused and resumed.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • For players with localization, you can now invite your friends to join Rec Room in your language.
  • Changes made through the Button Set Text chip will no longer save with the room.
  • The Button and Dome Light components can now be unsynced.
  • Added new SFX for each type of circuit error.
  • We've updated the behavior of Debug Targeted Execution. When enabled, exec ports can now be run by long-pressing them with the Connect tool. Quickly tapping them with Connect will disconnect them.
  • Cleaned up "invalid players" in Circuits. You should now be able to properly compare Player values with Equals chips in all circumstances, even when they are no longer valid. Hovering over Player ports whose values are invalid will now show "Invalid Player (None)" for (None), or "Invalid Player (#)" with a number to refer to a specific player who has left.
  • Deprecated and replaced the Player Variable chip. The old version had a bug where, when synced, it would start outputting (None) when the player it was storing a reference to left the room.
  • Selections with object boards are now supported with the Copy, Clone, and Make Invention operations.
  • Fixed the bug that the player can boost wolf ride, 50s car and truck in VR mode by pressing sprint button.
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox where brightly colored blobs would sometimes appear around UI dialogs.
  • Removed the blue tint effect that occurs in dark rooms for Rec Room Studio rooms.
  • Players who own some but not all items in a bundle offer will now automatically see the bundle as a purchase option, regardless of other filtering in place (such as a filter excluding players who already own all of the items).
  • Fixed a bug that could lock up the watch if it was closed during a purchase.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Holy Update, Coach!” edition

Aaaaaaaaaand we’re back! Sorry this one took us so long - we were busy adding removing as many bugs as we could! But now we’re back on the proverbial horse wolf ride, so updates should resume at their usual cadence of Soon™.

New Stuff

  • If a player is wearing a custom shirt, you can now view and purchase that custom shirt from the outfits screen on their profile. No more racking your brain for who you bought it from… or what room…
  • Rec Room Plus players can now put an emoji at the end of their name tag for further customization. Yes, we know what you’re thinking, and no, you can’t pick that one. Name tag outlines have also been made slightly thicker.
  • Added a shortcut to get to your chats to the HUD on iOS and Android.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • On both Laser Tag maps, fixed issues where you could get out of the map and made small layout adjustments based on feedback from the Laser Tag community. A nitty gritty log of changes will be shared on Discord.
  • We’ve started rolling out localized Chat UI to some players. Hello! Bienvenido! Come va? Brezel! Au revoir!
  • Improved the audio experience on vehicles driven by other players -- they now sound more consistent with what you would hear if you were the driver! Could still make you motion sick if you’re with a particularly bad driver though.
  • Fixed an issue where certain environment and ambient sound won't react to audio sliders in the Settings menu. You can still keep it at 100% if you’ll miss the sweet sounds of coffee being made in the Rec Center!
  • The palette search bar is now automatically focused on PC and iPad with keyboard, including when reopening the tab/menu.
  • Fixed custom shirt announcements for some players. Still broken for others! (*Unverified but statistically likely.)
  • Fixed a bug where palette carousels would reset their scroll when other users cloned, copy-pasted, or spawned in inventions.
  • Fixed Maker Pen tab tear-off arrow drag functionality.
  • Fixed Gamepad unexpectedly ending up on the Configure tab when backing out of the menu with Circle/B.
  • Fixed a bug where the ink color on the charades pen would sometimes be different from the drawn color when using Maker Pen skins.
  • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes join a room, but fail to load all of the CV2 chips. No more silent music events! (Mamamonkey breathes a sigh of relief.)
  • Fixed a bug that caused room consumables to sometimes activate without being consumed.
  • Fixed a bug where basic settings on premium inventions could not be configured.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed duplicate items to be added to a UGC storefront.
  • Fixed a bug that caused UGC storefronts to induce an FPS drop when loading in and out of view. Time to revisit all those cool mall rooms that you couldn’t move in before!
  • Fixed a bug where players could not draw on other players' clothing customizer boards without being focused. Focus, artists, focus!!
  • Fixed hitching while using the people menu on Playstation platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where gifts opened by other players would stutter while floating.
  • Fixed a graphical issue in screen mode when holding the Share Camera while also drawing on a canvas.
  • Fixed a visual bug in the lighting effects for Disc Golf Propulsion for VR.
  • Fixed bug where event UI doesn't update to show the join button when an event starts.
  • Fixed a bug where the invention details page would only show the first one or two tags
  • Fixed a bug that caused potions to appear small in the backpack.

Circuits Changes

Exec Port Debugging

We’ve added the ability to execute Circuits chips on-demand - it’s super useful for debugging! Turn on “Debug Targeted Execution” in your Maker Pen Menu, then tap an exec port with your Connect or Configure tools to start execution from that point.

Heads-up! When enabled, this does interfere with disconnecting exec wires a bit. Hang tight - we’ve got a revised version coming soon!

Laser Pointer Component

It’s the other half of the Rangefinder - now in CV2! Use it for all your serious presentation needs, and definitely not for creating cool light shows.

General Changes

  • Added Color support to the Lerp chip.
  • Added Intensity port to the Set Player Vignette chip.
  • Various chips that only ran for the local player now include a 'Player' input port.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Get Formatted Time chip to return invalid results with one character formats.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the radius setting on the Explosion Emitter not to work as expected.
  • Added the following chips (beta):
    • Rec Room Object Set Authority (Did anybody actually want this one?)
    • Player Prompt Multiple Choice
    • Get Closest
    • Get Farthest
    • RGB To Color
    • HSV To Color
    • Parse Color

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Not in ‘87 anymore” edition

Make sure to check out the ^RecCenter for our NFL collaboration, just in time for the playoffs! Brand new hats and sweatshirts for EVERY NFL team are available! Root your team on, rep your city, or just up your style, it’s all there =D

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Junior accounts were not appearing properly in the new people menu, we fixed it.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Winter Wonderland ‘22” edition

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where certain environments and ambient sound won't react to audio sliders in the Settings menu.
  • For those who have localization, we're rolling out localized Chat UI!
  • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes join a room, but fail to load all of the CV2 chips!
  • Fixed an issue that caused some wires to be invisible when first connected between two chips in cases where the first chip was out of view when the wire was connected to the second chip.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Winter Wonderland ‘22” edition

Winter is coming! According to our forecasts, you can expect snowfall around the Rec Center and the Clearcut paintball area on campus. Perfect weather for a snowball fight!

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hitching while using the People menu on Playstation platforms.
  • MakerPen VR Shortcuts is out of beta and has a new, colorful look!
  • New chip: Player Get Is Jumping or Falling. It will (surprisingly!) return either that you're jumping or falling; or the object you're standing on or climbing.
  • Added vignette chips 'Set Player Vignette' and 'Clear Player Vignette' in beta. And this gives me an idea for even more camera film…(joking!)
  • Fixed an annoying dialog prompting you to restore an autosave! It turns out most people prefer the versions they intentionally saved.
  • Fixed a visual bug in the lighting effects for Disc Golf Propulsion for VR.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “For Local Eyes Only” edition

Hierarchical Building Alpha Preview

The long-rumored Hierarchical Building is now available as an Alpha Preview! You can toggle this on via Room Settings in Beta-enabled Maker Rooms. (Note: this may not be available immediately when the build ships, but will get turned on in the next couple of days.)

For more information, including a tutorial, check out the blog! Participants will be sent a survey around the New Year, and we’d love any additional feedback you might have for us here!

Please be aware that this feature is very much an Alpha. We recommend that you clone rooms you care about before you flip the switch on them, because it’s a one-way trip. In addition, there are known issues:

  • Most props will not yet work correctly as the child of a container. There are a few exceptions, like Buttons, but in general, expect functional props to stop working in a hierarchy. (Most components will be fine.)
  • Props will not function as the parent of other stuff yet, either.
  • Some props don’t work at all. Avoid Seats and Costume Dummies. CV1 won’t work either.
  • Not all Maker Pen tools have been implemented yet. Undo/Redo, Clone, editing Tube points, and Copy/Paste are missing in particular. Expect some of these to show up soon!
  • The Connect tool and the Create Object quick action menu option (which replaces Merge) do not yet parent circuits to containers in the same way that they do other objects. Create chips directly in the scope where you want them.
  • Collision, Grabbable, and other physics settings are not yet implemented. Ink costs aren’t final, either.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Additional language support keeps getting better! The messages and notification screens, and some notifications, are now available in non-English supported languages for some players (English is still available to everyone).
  • Creators! Are you tired of players being able to see your work-in-progress? Tired of shuffling subrooms around to keep your secret room improvements secret? Want to remember what it was you did? Want to feel like the Master of Your Own Multiverse by easily loading into different versions of your subrooms? Introducing Room Save Upgrades! Leave comments on your room save and set a specific save version of your room as the public one with Room Save Upgrades available now! Cool space wizard powers not included.
  • Updated sign-in support on Meta devices to better follow Meta policies regarding junior accounts. This change will be effective 11/14, See for more information.
  • Taking photos of other player’s cameras is way harder now! Share cameras in tripod mode are hidden in photographs. Others’ cameras will automagically disappear in group selfies.
  • Added a permissions toggle for the "Play Gizmos" toggle in the Maker Pen settings, with support for Maker Pen roles.
  • Chat is no longer haunted. We think. Fixed a bug where players could send each other empty chat messages, sometimes showing up with random text.
  • Fixed an issue where MakerPen does not pick up properly if VR Shortcut Behavior is set to "None."
  • See Manipulation tool handles in stereo! Fixed a bug where the handles for the Manipulation tool would only render to one eye in VR.
  • But are they, like, Rec Room Famous? All video partner accounts should have their verified checkmark visible in their name tags now.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.