Full Body Avatars
- All level 40+ players should have access to FBA now, check it out in your dorm room mirror!
- FBA Beta fix: For items that are supposed to hide ears (ear covering hair items), or completely hide hands (ex: boxing gloves), the full body avatar will now do the right thing and properly remove that part of the player.
- We fixed the strange "mouth askew" issue that you could only see on other players, and while fixing it, we improved the range of adjustments you can make for the full body avatar. You can still smirk if you want to!
- We also did some work to prevent face features from colliding, so an avatar always has the right order of features from top to bottom: eyebrows, eyes, nose, then mouth… heeeeeead, shoulders, knees and toes (knees and toes!)
- We gave our full body avatars the power of telekinesis! This will fix the issue where held objects are restricted by the length of your arm. We can’t wait to find out the unintended consequences of this!
- More FBA item fixes for Steampunk Gloves and Dragon Knight Wrist
- Sometimes when switching between avatar types, your avatar's ability to push buttons or trigger volumes with your hands stopped working. Fixed!
- Swatted a bug where if you are previewing custom shirts using full body, you could then go to the Rec Center with the unowned custom shirt and see it in your local view (other's couldn't see the bug).
Rooms 2.0
- Fixed an issue where a hierarchy could have different authorities for different objects within it. Just like the mitochondria is always the powerhouse of the cell, hierarchies will always match the authority of the root object.
- Loading into a subroom from another subroom in the same room can now show the subroom name in the loading screen in addition to the room name.
- Default custom locomotion graph now contains wall run and players now are able to perform wall run out of the box on the surfaces that are configured correctly. PARKOUR!
- Supporting the pricing of Offers with Inventory Items. Offers priced with Inventory Items do not require RR+ membership. The price icons for these offers are customizable, similar to room currency in Rooms 1.
- Added a new 'Get All Inventory Items in Room' chip. All your inventory items are belong to us (teehee).
Released the following from beta:
- The Gun Handle and all related chips
- Trigger Volume Get and Set Player Filter Tags chips
- All Rooms 2 Moods chips
- Player Aim Assist Tag chips
- Player Get Is Room Contributor
- Parse Time (what is… Time?!)
- Not Equals
- Modulo
- Player Get Crouch Speed, Player Get Is Wall Running, Player Get Slide Speed, Player Get Steering Speed, Player Set Wall Run Enabled, Player Set Crouch Speed, Player Set Prone Speed, Player Set Slide Speed
- Local Player Override Player Voice Rolloff, Local Player Clear Player Voice Rolloff
- List Add If Not Contains, List Except, List Intersect, List Intersection, List Union, List Distinct
- Instance Get Is Multi-Instance Event
- Instance Get Lifetime
- Handle Get and Set Player Filter Tags chips
- Get HUD Element Enabled
- Animation Get Frame, Animation Get Time Stamp, Animation Set Time Stamp
Touchpad Component (in beta)
- Interaction Started/Ended events - On Screens this is when you start/stop using the Touchpad. On VR it is immediately before/after the Touch Started/Ended events.
- Your Screen mode avatar is hidden from your own view while using the Touchpad, relying on the cursor rather than the hand.
General Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where in some cases one explosive might not properly detonate another explosive. KABOOM! And then also another KABOOM! And then also another KABOOM!
- Squooshed a bug where swapping store pages would not restore your position on the page.
- Scaling tubes & ribbons no longer leads to wild size changes
- Added room-level events for interaction volumes! Note: these events, like their circuit board versions, only fire for the local player.
- Started an experiment with a new invention saving menu UI. If this is you, make sure to give us feedback!
- Added 'Gun Fired (All)' event to ranged weapons, including the projectile launcher. This event will run for all other players in the room when the weapon is fired, at no additional network heat cost.
- Added 'Update' event in beta to run circuits at the current frame rate.
- Unless the local player uses the maker pen, Rec Room will no longer automatically backup the room for them.
- Deleted the redundant "Set Object" button for the Spawner Component.
- Added a new chip in beta ("Rec Room Object Get All with Tag (new)"). This is similar to the existing "Rec Room Object Get All with Tag", but will return the objects in the same order for every player in a room. Just in case you didn’t like the randomness!
- Fixed room cards (the thumbnails in the menu) not scaling properly on non-PC platforms.
- Squashed a bug where the back button on a UGC storefront would redirect to a blank page.
- Stomped a bug where games ended early in ^Legacy3DCharades. Guess you gotta earn your dailies the hard way 😤
- Smushed a bug where canceling a purchase on Android would prevent you from attempting any more purchases.
- For You rooms will start being recommended based on different data, let us know if you like the rooms you see!
- We’re tweaking how Similar Rooms are recommended to you to prefer rooms that are similar, but also have players in them.
Rec Room Studio
- Added new “Anchor UI” studio functions (Anchor & Detach) to the “Rec Room Canvas UI Interaction” component that allows creators to anchor a screen player’s camera to a worldspace UI, or move a menu to be anchored to a screen player’s camera and enable interactions using a cursor (PC/Console) or touch interactions (Mobile). VR is not supported… Yet.
- Fixed "Paste as Child" for Maker Pen scene objects to ensure that the pasted objects are correctly initialized.
- Our create (sub)room buttons now match the in-game behavior and will automatically open the newly created (sub)room
- Include data for terrain in memory explorer (some painted tree & painted detail data still not included)
- Fixed memory explorer estimates for some rarely used render target formats.
- Crushed bugs where using the "Create Empty Parent" menu in the Maker Pen scene would not create a new Container in R2 rooms and would instead create an invalid state by moving the child objects to the main scene.
- Resolved issues that caused some harmless error messages when setting default values on input ports using the Circuit Editor.
- Improved accuracy of the CV2 row in the Memory Explorer.
Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:
We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.