Rec Room UPDATE - the "Bool spits lazy facts" Edition


  • Bool chips are now lazy but also faster and more efficient!
  • Your saved outfits with custom shirts can be worn again. Show me that fit!
  • The Pathfinder will make better choices on where it is going (or not going).

Full Body Avatars

  • Addressed that pesky issue where custom shirts in saved outfits were playing hide-and-seek. They're back, front and center where they belong.
  • Fixed an issue where VR players in Full Body Avatar could experience minor hand jitters under certain circumstances.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Bool chips got smarter and lazier, now they'll stop working as soon as they know the answer, saving heat and preventing circuit errors. Bool chips will now 'short circuit' when possible, such that they do not evaluate the remaining inputs when the output can already be determined. This includes 'And', 'Or', 'Nor', and 'Nand'.
  • Put an end to the twisty-turny drama with tube and ribbon curves snapping. You can no longer snap grid point rotation when creating a curve with a tube or ribbon. When grid snapping was on, the curve control points could end with rotations that did not match user expectations.
  • Added a new Circuit Board Maker Pen "Scale Control Panel Offset" tool setting. The setting defaults to true/on - maintain current behavior. When it is set to false/off, the control panel will maintain a constant distance from the object when the object is uniformly scaled.
  • Squashed the bug where tapping a deep link might take you on an unexpected detour to your Dorm instead of where you wanted to go. Now you'll land where you intended, no surprise pit stops!
  • Eliminated a persistent autocomplete dropdown bug where autocomplete options appear persistent on the screen even when players aren't actively interacting with the input text field.
  • We uncrossed our wires to fix a bug where when using wire on an input circuit pin, the config menu wouldn't always pop up on your maker pen UI.

Rooms 2.0

  • Taught Pathfinder to listen better to the Rec Room Object Reset chip, it's finally maturing :,)
  • Pathfinder also learned to think before acting. If it gets two requests during the same frame, it'll now go with the most recent one, like the true multitasker it is.


  • We optimized slow Studio Function Animator method calls to Animator.SetFloat(string name, ...), Animator.SetBool(string name, ...) and Animator.SetInteger(string name, ...) to substantially reduce performance impact when these are called frequently.
  • Squashed an exception that could occur during a domain reload when the Asset Palette tab is open.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Dry Eyes" Edition


  • Updated grabbable items and consumables for Full Body Avatars, now you can finally pour water into your mouth (instead of your eyes) on Screens!
  • Touchpad component changes
  • Patched glitch-grabbing exploit for longbow and goblin wand

Full Body Avatars

  • Sometimes hands felt a bit clunky when releasing grabbed items, like there was a kind of ghost collider getting in the way of whatever you were holding as soon as you dropped it. We found the ghost and exorcized it. (Who you gonna call? Coach busters!)
  • We took a pass at the 500+ items you can grab in the game and updated how they look in your hand and how you look when drinking and eating. For example, you'll no longer pour the water bottle into your eye when trying to take a drink on screens. There are just a few challenging outliers (like the Rec Royale Glider) that need some special love - we'll get to those in a future update.
  • Fixed watch lag and anchoring in VR for FBA.
  • Repositioned FBA seated positions to align with bean offsets.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Reduced temporary memory allocations during circuit execution by removing extra enumerator allocations in foreach loops caused by the interface.
  • Function definition nodes can now be cloned and put into inventions.
  • When wiring together incompatible ports on chips in a beta room, a conversion chip will automatically be inserted between them when possible.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause issues with Player Boards for joining players with a custom voice rolloff player trait.
  • Added a setting to Interaction Volume V2 to allow creators to hide/show the outline while hovering.
  • Fixed a bug where party or club chat would be un-selectable when switching tabs.
  • Fixed the size of room and item card loading placeholders that were loading in at the wrong size.
  • Fixed an issue where bogus VR tracking data could cause rendering issues
  • Okay, don't get too mad at us, but we had to patch the glitch-grabbing exploit for the bow and the wand in VR. Sorry, gang.
  • Fixed broken behavior after unlinking an account from a device. Don't worry, guys - we turned it off and back on again.
  • Fixed a bug where some text validation was not run on Xbox input prompts.

Rooms 2.0

  • Baked a fix for issues with non-hierarchical NavMesh baking in R2 rooms.
  • Fixed an issue where when using the connect tool to reparent objects in R2, a selected item may go out of scope and should no longer be selected


  • Fixed issues with the copying of Clamp, Rotator, and Piston content from legacy rooms and pasting them into Rooms 2.0 rooms.
  • Square up! Cubemaps will now have a more optimal texture format automatically applied for mobile platforms.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "We added a TLDR Section!" Edition


  • Starting Tuesday an experiment for "My Dorms" is starting - check your creation tab on the watch!
  • The crafting cost of the Stone Axe has been lowered in MLM.
  • 10x more recording time in Holotars V2!
  • Loading and networking issues have been improved.

My Little Monsters

  • The Stone Axe crafting cost has been lowered to 1 Wood, 1 Stone, and 1 Crystal.
  • Objective markers display on wood, stone, and crystal right outside the first portal.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Players shouldn't fail to load into rooms as frequently.
  • The maximum Holotar (V2) recording duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 300 seconds - that's 10x more time for recording brainrot!
  • Pressing the 'Clear' button on a Holotar recording window will now display a confirmation button before deleting the recording.
  • Moved the Animation gizmo controls to their own Maker Pen menu tab.
  • 'Toggle Button Set Is Pressed', 'Print Text To Screen', and 'Clear Screen' chips will now consume the correct amount of "network heat" when used. Network heat is the name we use for how much data is sent over our network, and because these chips weren't counting correctly, the networking in some rooms was breaking. Yay, thermodynamics! !
  • Cloud lists are now out of beta!
  • Fixed a bug where functions without exec ports could return incorrect values if multiple calls were made during the same exec.
  • Monitor rooms for corruption and refuse to save them if corruption is detected in rooms, invention creation, or invention spawning.
  • Pressing the 'Clear' button on a Holotar recording window will now display a confirmation button before deleting the recording.
  • Fixed up some old bugs around fist bumps and high fives making them easier to trigger.
  • Removed placeholder text when the UI is loading.
  • New LocalPlayerSetGravityDisabled node will let you turn off gravity for the local player!
  • Once you're floating around you can use custom locomotion or the new PlayerGetPhysicsVelocity, PlayerSetPhysicsVelocity, and PlayerSetSteeringVelocity nodes to finely control your movement.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented 'Data Table Get Column Count' and 'Data Table Get Row Count' from being configured to a data table.
  • Toggle Button components now have a 'Synced' toggle, allowing their pressed state to be unsynced between players.
  • Translated an untranslated Progress tab label in the profile page.

Rooms 2.0

  • Fixed the issue where Equip Object to Dominant/Off Hand chips failed when used on a handle not in a hierarchy.
  • Replicators can now be included in inventions.


  • We're trying out some Token Store layout changes over the next few weeks. We've also fixed a few bugs and made some general improvements related to token purchasing.
  • We're launching an experiment this Tuesday on adding "My Dorms" to your creation tab in the watch. Make multiple dorm rooms, save them for later, and swap out the look of your room for the seasons or events!

Rec Room Studio

  • Added new Asset Palette UI to streamline creation workflow.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - The "My Little Template" Edition

Cross-room Party Voice Chat

  • Cross-room party voice chat is now available! Communicate with your friends in different rooms and keep in touch no matter what you're up to, all within Rec Room!

Rooms 2.0

  • The Eyedropper tool is now available!
  • Custom Locomotion: Request Steering chip now supports instant acceleration (zero acceleration duration). 0-60? More like 0 to the digital future, amirite?
  • Players can now rename containers from the MakerPen Hierarchy window.
  • Fixed the reset bug for Reset Room and Rec Room Object Reset chips.
  • Reparenting multiple objects at once will now maintain any circuit connections between their Object Boards.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the edit button would edit out of circuit boards.

Full Body Avatar

  • There were some discrepancies with how floating bean and full body items looked, especially for glasses items. We wrote some automation to seek out these offenders and discovered mismatches in how the shaders were authored between our floating bean and full body items - so now they're fixed!
  • Fixed a bug where head scale wasn't displaying correctly on FBAs when changing rooms.

##General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Holotar scale did not match the player avatar size when scale was 1.
  • Text may be a little sharper on some platforms (but shouldn't be too noticeable).
  • Hands will no longer sync if you are typing into a sensitive text field in VR (passwords, personal info, private messaging, etc.). Does not apply for insensitive text fields, though. They wouldn't really care anyways!
  • Restored the avatar snapshot as your default profile photo for new players.

Rec Room Studio

  • New projects created using the Rec Room Studio launcher will now include default assets from My Little Monsters! We also have a new kit-based Template Room available from the Create menu in-game, so even if you can't use Rec Room Studio, you can find all these assets and use them! Look at alllll thoooose assets
  • Added the new "Instance Recolor" component which allows you to have different per-instance colors without using multiple Materials to do so. Instance Recolor can also be used with Studio Functions to dynamically change the color of objects from Circuits!
  • A new validation error will appear when the AudioMixerRegistry specifies an invalid Studio Mixer object.
  • Fixed an issue where textures used by Terrain, RawImage, or ParticleSystem components appeared at a lower resolution than intended.
  • Prevented an issue with cameras in VR by ensuring that the camera doesn't have 'Target Eye' set to 'Both"


  • Some new players may start out in third person (with the option to toggle to first person, of course!)
  • Some players may have access to the new pinch feature, which can change the camera perspective and zoom on Touch.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Strike a (hand) pose" Edition

Full Body Avatars

  • Oops, we accidentally broke some hand poses for FBA. Here's some fixes for the camera, frisbee, and mug hand poses used across a variety of tools, let us know how they look!
  • Fixed some annoying bugs when using the makerpen while in a full body:
  • Your hands still function when going to the smallest self-scale size.
  • Your other hand won't be blocking your view anymore.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • We changed the 2FA login field type to numeric digits, so typing 2FA codes is now more convenient! (Especially on platforms like Android)
  • Fixed the color of certain banners on the home page. Ooooooh, pretty!
  • Fixed a bug where players had a chance to get stuck in the "play" door in Orientation. Door stuck!
  • Fixed a bug where the Charades Pen becomes stuck in players' hands in VR.
  • Fixed a bug where players could equip a full-body costume via circuits while it was being edited.
  • Fixed a bug where Room Inventories would not sync in time in multiplayer instances.
  • Fixed a toggling bug that could cause toggle buttons to be toggled multiple times when pressed in VR with other players in the room. Now you'll be able to toggle correctly to your heart's content <3 data-preserve-html-node="true"


Started an experiment with a new invention creation menu.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Hands-On” edition

Rooms 2.0

  • The Link Button and Creator Feedback Buttons are now available!
  • Improved the reliability of inventory item transactions.
  • Fixed the bug where Dialogue UI does not work properly with Room Reset.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • We adjusted the hand animations on VR and screen mode for full-body avatars. Opening and closing your hands in VR should now feel less “sticky.” Jumping, climbing, and prone hand positions now look more like you would expect. Have fun with your new clean hands!!!
  • Adjusted foot animations to be more grounded when idle and turning in place.
  • We eliminated the ability to mute other players while on a junior account, since juniors aren’t able to hear other players anyways.This saves some memory and also clutter from your UI!
  • Added a fix for blocky avatars on Quest 2. Avatars were incorrectly being selected for low quality settings.
  • Added a fix for the holotar projector momentarily displaying the previous holotar recording when multiple holotar recordings are assigned in succession to a single projector. Clarence won’t randomly appear in other storefronts anymore!
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Split Shapes' button from working in Costume Dummy props.
  • Fixed room settings UI appearing to allow changes incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that made it hard to grab or put objects in your backpack.
  • Helmet hair now works for the Skeletor Hood and S. Hoods
  • Removed some unused textures in ^Park.

RecRoom Studio

  • Fixed a bug where Undo and Redo after creating a new Studio Object prefab could result in incorrect room save states.
  • Improved Studio Function UI to handle cases where changing the method call target can preserve which method is called.


  • Ended our experiment with blob shadows. Now you should have a visible shadow when using the bean avatar to help you navigate the world!
  • We’re testing variations of the room chat bubble visuals again. This time, the new look should still remain visible and clear to read. Let us know what you think!
  • We're testing variations of a new feature where tapping players opens a radial menu radial menu with a few quick options instead of going directly to their profile in the watch.
  • We're trying out a few more variations around the Picture-in-Picture view of your avatar, including layout/icon adjustments and making the resolution higher again on certain graphics settings.
  • We will be testing a new "Across Room Voice Chat" feature in the future, which will allow you to speak with members of your party while in a different room. Look out for notes about it soon!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Free Movement” edition

Rooms 2.0

  • Fixed a bug that prevented item skins from being applied in Rooms 2.0.
  • Added a fix to prevent reparenting of animated objects due to animation errors.
  • Hierarchy auto-scrolling now works in VR. Updates to Custom Locomotion:
  • Fully customizable Air Control!
    • No more hidden modifiers! The acceleration time you pass in is what you get
  • Added Air Control Percentage Trait
  • Added Air Control Multipliers to the locomotion graph
    • You might want to spawn a new locomotion graph if you've already spawned a player definition board in your room
  • Added On Velocity Modified event to the player. This event is fired anytime you use the following chips on a player:
    • Add Velocity
    • Set Velocity
    • Set Velocity Over Time
  • Fixed bug where Acceleration Time wasn't respected while sprinting
  • Added comments explaining different sections of the locomotion graph
  • Fixed bugs in the default graph
    • Corrected air control calculation
    • Prevent your gaze direction from stopping your sprint and kicking you off the wall

Full Body Avatars Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • We've heard feedback that some players felt the head was a bit too big. We wanted to give you control to return it back to bean size. You can find the setting by navigating to the "Face" customization page and selecting the "Adjust" option presented on the selected face shape.
  • Adjusted the head positioning for better animations when moving around.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Introducing more variety of canned chat options!
  • Third person camera is no longer blocked by collision that doesn't block movement or interaction (like decorations!)
  • Tuned steering wheel animations in vehicles, now your drifting clips will look even smoother!
  • Fixed an issue where hands would lose collision with grabbed objects.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Maker Pen Palette to sometimes not properly update the list of available chips when editing in/out, or when working with functions.
  • Added 'Player Get Volume' chip in beta.
  • Added 'Player Get Profile Image' chip in beta.


  • Experimenting with autocomplete dropdowns to the Rooms Search Input Field, finding what you want to see should be easier!
  • Experimenting with a filtering feature that allows rooms on the Play Highlights page to be filtered by Room Capacity, and by current Party Size.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Full Body Beta Buddies” edition

Rooms 2.0

  • Legacy inventions will now be sorted into their own palette filters in Rooms 2.
  • Fixed a bug where Rooms 2 rooms might show a notification saying that players are editing the room when they load in, even if they are not and/or are not able to use the maker pen. Sorry, you weren’t allowed to edit My Little Monsters after all. :,(

Full Body Avatars Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Costume creators can now require players to auto-switch to the floating bean avatars when wearing their costumes. Just configure your costume and turn off the "Allow Full Body Avatar Type" setting. Previously-created costumes will have this toggled off by default.
  • Melee strikes and charge attacks for full body screen players weren’t looking quite right with the Fish, Cutlass, Frying Pan, Oar, Pitchfork, Push Broom, SwingHandle, QuestSword, Whip, Stool, and Shovel. The animations, especially with how the off-hand was working, is looking much better.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Beta content can now be saved into inventions! Inventions that contain chips or objects that are in beta can only be spawned in beta rooms, and will not be publishable until they are re-saved without any beta content.
  • We are re-organizing your Dance moves. Some players will find them in the Gestures radial menu on a second tab while in third person. Get yo groove on
  • Added 'Quick Chat Table' and 'Quick Chat Table Set Enabled' chips in beta.
  • Added 'NavMesh Sample Position' chip in beta.
  • Released the following from beta:
    • The Grabber component and all of its chips
    • Player Get Voice Rolloff Distance and Player Set Voice Rolloff Distance
    • Local Player Is VR
    • Rec Room Object Get Root Object
    • Root Object
    • Root Player
  • Improved player voice quality in some rooms. Now your mic will be even crispier when you eat it! (We actually don't recommend you do that.)
  • All HUD chips are now called Generic "HUD Element…”
  • Additional UI optimization work
  • Added a fix that prevents rare situations where player data might not load correctly.
  • Fixed dark overlay on watch page section headers.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented sorting options from working as expected in palette search.
  • Fixed an issue where improperly configured Circuits Audio Constants would not log errors.


  • Experimenting with performance impact on a new feature that allows for customization everywhere.
  • Experimenting with room carousels, tags, and display room limits in the Play menu.
  • Began an experiment where some rooms will use a more optimized network bandwidth model.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Full Body Beta Buddies" edition

Full body avatars

Your full body avatar got some updates (and if you didn't know already, everyone has access to the beta)!

  • We tweaked how it looks when you're carrying items (like guns and swords).
  • Strafing was added for when crouched or prone to remove the awkward backbreaking twists.
  • Some basic idle animations were put in to make you look super cool even when standing around. We look forward to your full body "I'm on screen mode!" VR dancing imitations.

Rooms 2.0

  • Replicators can now update their Target Object just by changing the hierarchy! Instead of the config menu, you can also set the Target Object just by using the Connect tool to set an object as its child.
  • Fixed an issue where certain inventions could cause room corruption in Rooms 2.0.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented saving inventory items to rewards in Rooms 2.0.

Rec Room Studio

  • Fixed an issue with creating object boards for some props (like Blunderbuss and Laser Pistol) when those objects are created in RR Studio.
  • Fixed a bug with the Inspector where changes to Physics Mode and Basic Interactions properties on objects were not applied.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Errors logged through variable changed events will now highlight the correct chip when selected in the circuits log.
  • As part of an experiment, some players will get a reminder that they can block and mute a player before/after they report that player.
  • Event Receivers for variable "Change" events now pass along the new value of the variable, so you can more easily get the new value when it has changed!
  • Disabled ability to MOVE any room with LimitsV2 enabled.
  • Bug fixes around room cards in Play Highlights page.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause inventions to remain visible in the palette after they were deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where players would see the 'clone' button on rooms that they were not able to clone.
  • Added Cornelius Cryptid. He's in need of a new monster caretaker, head over to ^MyLittleMonsters if you're interested!

Rec Room UPDATE - the “Fun with Functions!” edition


  • Circuits now support Functions, which effectively let you create your own chips! Place down a Function Definition chip and edit into it to define what your function will do. Then, you can put down Call [NameOfYourFunction] chips down anywhere in your room to call that function. No more copying the same group of chips 10 different times, only to find out you have a bug and need to copy/paste all of them again! Go check out our dev blog here for more information on how to use this feature!

Rooms 2.0

  • The Animation Controller is now available in Rooms 2.0. (The controls have changed a little, and may continue to evolve. Select the Animation Controller and use the Quick Action Menu to add objects to the animation. Access the keyframing controls via the Config Menu. Otherwise it works like it did before!)
  • Inventory sorting tabs are capitalized on the Room Inventory page, and any underscores in the tag names here will show up as spaces.
  • Fixed an issue where a few of the Pathfinder events didn’t get correctly moved into Beta.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple people in a 2.0 room would cause Rooms 2.0 to lag severely.
  • Fixed an issue in Rooms 2.0 where Object Boards in Inventions would break Connections between them after spawning.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Added a new This Room category of room permissions to enable more detailed control of creator permissions. These permissions are all saved at the room-level as opposed to the existing permissions which all save at the subroom-level. Check out more information here!
    • Edit Main Room Settings
    • Edit Room Econ Settings
    • Edit Room Progression
    • Save Room
    • Publish Room
    • Clone Room
    • Restore Room
    • Reset Cloud Variables
    • Delete Cloud Variables
    • Edit Subroom Settings
    • Create Subrooms
    • Name Subrooms
    • Clone Subrooms
    • Move Subrooms
    • Delete Subrooms
  • Fixed an issue where the VR keyboard when using Maker Pen menus would sometimes move away from you while typing.
  • Fixed a silly regression where the collider for full body fingertips were rearranged so you couldn't properly type - tjat shou;d mow be fixd!
  • You can now filter by bottoms and shoes in the watch store! Check out my new shoes - they’re the brand new 1, 2, buckle my shoe!
  • Addition of Room Genre cards that matchmake players into a room instance from a pool of genre rooms.
  • Fixed a clipping issue in VR for full-body avatars when leaning.
  • Fixed an issue where animations got reset when switching avatar types in flying mode.

Rec Room Studio

  • You can now copy objects from Rooms 1 to Rooms 2 in RRStudio! Objects that are not supported in Rooms 2 either become a named Container (for objects) or a named Comment node (for circuits).
  • Improved memory explorer estimates for meshes that are stored in unity .asset files rather than fbx/obj.
  • You can now open a legacy room and copy content, then open a Rooms 2.0 room and paste that content inside Rec Room Studio. Some objects that aren't supported in Rooms 2.0 are replaced with empty Container objects with the name of the object that couldn't be pasted. (Ahem, CV1, I’m looking at you.)


  • We'll be testing out a new 5-point rating system for Room Feedback. Let us know how much you enjoyed your experience in a room so we can better recommend content personalized for you!
  • We’ll be testing the effects of adding or removing Token Bundles from the Token Store.
  • We're beginning a series of projects to make Dorm rooms much more customizable, and will be gradually rolling out functionality to test with new users. Stay tuned for more news on Custom Dorm dorms in future updates!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - The "Pathfinder" Update

Rooms 2.0

  • New Component: The Pathfinder! Put the pathfinder into your compound objects so it can path from place to place. (Requires Navmesh to work - bake it in the room settings like usual.) Also includes new chips: Pathfinder Get/Set Max Acceleration, Get/Set Angular Speed, Get/Set Max Linear Speed, Get/Set Pathing State, Get/Set Pathing Target, Get/Set Rotation State, Get/Set Rotation Target, Start Pathing to Position, Start Rotating to Direction, Stop Pathing, Stop Rotating, Get/Set Ground Clamping, Get/Set Tags To Ignore.
  • Interaction Filters in Rooms 2 will now behave hierarchically. In order to interact with a filtered component, the player must pass the filter on the component itself, as well as on each container it's inside of. (For most intents and purposes, you'll only need to set it at the root.)
  • The Player Definition Board can now be spawned from the palette with the circuits for locomotion and footstep audio included automatically. No more being unable to move until you flip a switch!
  • Replicators will now be visible in the Hierarchy View
  • Replicator Spawned Copies will now properly disable their Object Board circuit graphs when Pooled
  • Fixed some issues with Replicator reliability
  • Fixed a bug where spheres would not roll.
  • Fixed a bug where the hierarchy view would allow for invalid selections.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Added "Recent Search History" feature to the Rooms Search Page. This is gated behind an experiment.
  • Player Prompt Text input is now restricted to base ASCII characters (no unicode). This means it now supports only the same set of characters as the CV2 Text component.
  • Watch UI placements were changed for VR players using full body.
  • Circuit wiring operations are now undoable and redoable, and wired connections are restored when undoing the deletion of an object or chip.
  • You're now able to trim clips when using the new CV2 Holotars.
  • New App Boot timing telemetry.
  • Fixed a bug preventing second edit of Animation Controller with Maker Pen.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause explosive weapons to not deal any damage.

Rec Room Studio

  • The Unity 'Visual Effect' components did not work correctly in Rec Room, so support for this Unity component is now blocked from being used in RR Studio rooms.
  • Any null instruction entries within a Studio Function will now be identified during room validation. The validation error when these are found will help you locate the relevant prefab and studio function, and provides an automated fix option to simply remove all null instruction entries.
  • Improve the speed of downloading room content when there are many files in your room.
  • Fixed a bug with Rec Room Studio NavMesh Cut where sometimes rooms with it might have navmesh tiles go missing. If you saved a room while a navmesh tile was missing previously due to this bug, you may need to re-bake your navmesh.


  • We're testing out a blob shadow specifically for bean avatars in third person to help with platforming and obby rooms, since it can be hard to tell where you are standing/jumping/falling without legs!
  • A/B test for PUG: After a Hot Pick Game, PUG initiators will receive a result page showing who participated in the same PUG and what answers they picked.
  • Adds a memory meter to Maker Pen palette for creators to gauge and improve performance in their rooms. (note: experiment gated so this will ship to a subset of players)

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the “It’s YOU in CV2!” edition

Rooms 2.0

  • The CV2 Holotar is now available in Beta - show us your moves!
  • Custom Locomotion: Players who jump while sliding will no longer be trapped in a sprinting state when using the default locomotion graph.
  • Added a Close Watch On Use property for Room Inventory Items.
  • Fixed a bug on mobile platforms where sometimes the image of a Rooms 2 Inventory Item equipped to an Equipment Slot would not display properly.
  • Fixed possible crash in rooms using the new Rec Room Studio Nav Mesh Cut component.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a visual bug where the default blazer had a laser tag carpet texture. Goodbye, sweet laser tag blazer :,( (Don’t worry, an actual version is on the way.)
  • Added vNext room cards to Rooms Search page in the Watch - this means that the room cards on the Search page should now match the room cards on Home and Play menus of the Watch.
  • Added 'Gate' and 'Flip Flop' circuit boards to the palette.
  • The 'Projectile Hit Other' event will now output a damage value, equal to the weapon's configured Rec Room Object damage setting. Go ahead and make that teeny tiny pistol have a massive damage output!
  • Added the Local Player Get Is Third Person Active and Local Player Request Third Person chips in beta! These chips allow you to check if a player is in third person mode, and put a player into third person mode.
  • Added Local Player Third Person Active Changed circuits events in beta! These allow you to detect if a player has entered third-person mode.
  • Restored anti-aliasing on streaming cam view.
  • Connections should be more stable on iOS.
  • Improved ShareCamera's memory usage.
  • Improved Outfit Customization Menu memory usage.
  • Fixed a bug where taking a photo in VR would close detached menus.
  • Fixed a bug where thrown discs weren't going toward the reticle. Make disc throws look and feel much more like an actual person throwing a disc!
  • Fixed some artifacts on vegetation when using high graphics settings. No more ancient photorealistic onion :,(
  • Props that support object boards will not spawn with a board when created with the 'Default' object board setting.

RecRoom Studio

  • Fixed a case where setting the skybox material to None can block upload. Go ahead and make your room in the void! Then nobody will be able to hear you scream >:^)
  • We've standardized the names of components used in Rec Room Studio and made it easier to see the important part of the name in the Inspector window. Below are the old and new names of these components (note: no need to change or update your existing rooms that used these components):
    • Rec Room Object => Studio Object.
    • Rec Room Studio Animation Synchronizer => Animation Synchronizer.
    • Rec Room Studio Billboard => Billboard.
    • Rec Room Studio Canvas Interaction => Canvas Interaction.
    • Rec Room Studio Disable Render In Share Camera Photo => Disable Render In Share Camera Photo.
    • Rec Room Studio Hud Canvas => HUD Canvas.
    • Rec Room Studio Rec Net Image => Rec Net Image.
    • Rec Room Nav Mesh Cut => Nav Mesh Cut.
  • Other players’ avatars are now hidden when anchoring with the “Frame Screens Canvas” mode.
  • Omit creator-authored components from Studio Function target selection UI.
  • Report validation error when Studio Function targets a creator-authored component.
  • While anchored, the exit button on Mobile will now actually close the UI.
  • Smoothened the camera fade for the Canvas Interaction component.
  • Updates to Rec Room Studio Nav Mesh Cut component:
    • Rec Room Studio Nav Mesh Cut components now disable entirely if their size is set to 0.
    • Navmesh holes created by Rec Room Studio Nav Mesh Cut components will now always be at least 0.1 meters wide.
    • Fixed bug where incorrect box location was shown if Ignore Rotation And Scale was checked and Center was set to a nonzero vector.
    • Fixed incorrect cutting shape when scale is negative.


  • Updates to Room Search Discoverability: Players in the test group of the experiment will see their "rooms search" button more prominently on the Watch Play menu.
  • Player Search: Players may see changes in the way Player accounts are ordered when searching for an account. Check it out and let us know what you think!
  • Pop Up Games: A friendly suggestion toast will appear when players are in a good situation to play a Pop Up Game. Only appears to players who already are in the experiment group.
  • A/B Testing making it easier for Junior accounts to play together by adding improvements to the invite flows!

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "I'm Famous in Rooms 2" edition

Rooms 2.0

  • The Replicator is now going into Beta - it's a new gadget in Rooms 2 that allows creators to create copies of another Target Object in the scene. A Replicator can be configured to set its Target Object as well as its maximum copies, and then can Spawn and Return those objects during gameplay. For more in-depth information, stay tuned for an upcoming blog post!

Look at all this beautiful replication!

  • Added Streaming Camera Point in Rooms 2, now you can make even sicker TikTok edits, shoutout this little beauty
  • When Rooms 2 loading screens show a subroom name, they now show it in a separate line of text
  • Fixed a bug where invention creation would sometimes fail in Rooms 2.
  • Fixed a bug where the Room Inventory page would sometimes show incorrect items after adding/removing items and then equipping via CV2.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Disc Golf has an update?! We've fixed some issues with the way frisbees are thrown - animations now look more natural and your throw will actually go towards the cursor now!Look at how nice this new animation is, no more eating frisbees!

Here's some behind the scenes footage for you too;)

  • You can now Favorite items in your Maker Pen palette for an easily accessible list. Easily add a ham in every room! Or multiple hams. Or a whole ham house. Really anything you want (but ham is preferred).
  • Hey creators! In the process of building our new RRO, we've added a couple new animation sets to the Swing Handle, and they're now available for you to use in your rooms. If you configure your Swing Handle, you should now find options for "Handaxe" and "Pickaxe Heavy". Have fun!
  • Made scrolling speed more consistent on consoles. Additionally, rotating the avatar on the customization page is much more responsive.
  • Changed where the cursor starts when using gamepad, the cursor now starts on the play button when the app starts.
  • Added additional controller compatibility for iPhone and iPad - both now fully support Joy-Con and Pro Controller over Bluetooth on the latest version of iOS. (Before anyone starts speculating, you can also use PLENTY of other controllers on iOS via bluetooth).
  • We have improved the performance and visuals of account cards. These changes will start showing up for some of you soon!
  • Launched an experiment that shows a 'Similar Rooms' action button on Room cards that shows similar rooms.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause player boards to not be assigned correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Toggle Button Set Is Pressed' chip to only function on room authority. The chip has been deprecated and replaced.
  • Converted some invention dialogs to the new UI.
  • Removed unused code, libraries and assets.

Rec Room Studio

  • Studio Objects can now add Vector3, Quaternion, and Color values as Exposed Properties.
  • Fixed a bug where moving individual shapes in R2 rooms would not always redraw the shape correctly in the Scene view.
  • Included per-platform memory estimates in the upload window.
  • When creating a new Studio Prop by dragging a prefab from the main Unity scene to the Maker Pen scene, fixed a bug with ensuring that scene overrides to values on the prefab are captured in the new Studio Prop. Similarly, when moving a Studio Prop from the Maker Pen Scene back to the main scene, ensured that any overrides made to the prefab are also preserved when converting.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent rooms from opening (with a NullReferenceException) if a prefab in that room was changed to be a RecRoomObject prefab while the room was not open.


  • Started a voice tech experiment - some rooms might sound different, make sure to let us know what you think!
  • Began an experiment for juniors - when juniors are in their dorm and invite others to play together, they'll have a popup for the Rec Center, some RROs, or some of their Continue Playing rooms.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Copy/Paste" edition

Rooms 2.0

  • Room HUD constants can now display Inventory Item counts when used in Rooms 2.0.
  • Fixed some issues with Copy/Paste in Rooms 2.0.
  • Fixed some issues with Copy/Paste in Rooms 2.0.
  • The Manipulate Tool is now enabled in Room 2.0 rooms for a subset of players - use it on Maker Pen objects, NOT your friends.
  • Fixed some issues with Copy/Paste in Rooms 2.0. I'm refusing to fix them in shipnotes though >:D

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Tweaked controller offsets for Vive players.
  • Launched an experiment that shows a Play action button on Room cards under the Continue Playing carousel on Watch Home and Play Highlight menus.
  • Fixed a bug where players would not receive their PS Plus Reward correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that showed the incorrect Carousel Title at the top of the View More page.
  • Fixed a bug causing spot lights with an outer angle > 90 degrees to get clamped to 90 degrees. Sorry, Pythagoras :,(

RecRoom Studio

  • You can now create an invention within Rec Room while performing Test Subroom! Previously, the invention creation flow would prevent this due to the Share Camera restriction, but now the invention is created with a stock placeholder image that can be updated later when not in Test Subroom.
  • New component: Rec Room Nav Mesh Cut. Use this to place dynamic obstacles that will form holes in your room's navmesh. Navmesh like Swiss cheeeeeese!
  • Fixed a bug where navmesh visualization might not appear unless you toggle the setting off and on again
  • Improved the performance when using the mouse to drag chips in the Circuit Editor window or while the Circuit Editor window is open. Swiss cheese and chips? It's snack time up in here
  • In Rooms 2.0 rooms, the order of the objects in the Maker Pen Scene hierarchy in RR Studio now matches the order those objects have in the Rec Room hierarchy.
  • Added a new Get.IsAnchored property to the Rec Room Studio Canvas Interaction component that outputs whether the local player is currently anchored or not.
  • Fixed a bug with the Rec Room Studio Canvas Interaction component where the player can end up not in cursor mode while still anchored to a menu.
  • Your watch should no longer close when anchoring to a RRS canvas UI using the Frame Screens Canvas mode.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Just a Few More Shapes" edition

Full Body Avatars

  • While using a full body avatar, you can now purchase items from the dorm mirror.
  • We have updated logic for how the new full body avatars hold on to objects (you are now able to 'firmly grasp' items).

Custom Shirts

  • Added a 'Delete' button for Custom Shirts Inventory.
  • Added the ability to check whether a deleted item has been owned before, so that players can re-download for free through a new 'Get' button in the Store.
  • Added a 'Report' button on the Gift Notification page.
  • Added an 'Abusive Gifting' category to the player report page under the 'Trolling' category.
  • Added the ability to view custom shirts inventory as default sorted by newest added.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Active Player Definition Boards now display information on their Configuration page about the invisible chips that they create and the memory usage caused by those chips.
  • MakerPen advanced shapes are officially out of Beta! In a future update, we'll investigate the ink values for these.
  • The weapon stabilizer got updated, try a two-handed grab on one of the laser guns and see if you like it.
  • Fixed a bug where KO Consumables are deducted twice.
  • Fixed a bug where some hats would show adjustment sliders that didn't do anything.
  • Fixed a bug where a Dialogue UI could ignore its configured Billboarding Pivot Offset in multiplayer scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug where a Dialogue UI set to Enabled via the Configure tool instead of via CV2 might not show up properly in multiplayer scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug that caused event senders that were configured to a specific player to be sent incorrectly when operating on an invalid player.
  • Event Senders that are configured to a specific player will no longer generate network heat when sent to the local player.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Look, Ma! My Hands are Reoriented!" edition

Full Body Avatars

  • The watch for full body avatars got some love! We added back in the clock face and fixed the quick chat menu on the right hand so it showed up properly when you turned to look at your inner wrist. Also, the watch band will properly change color to match your party's color now. Yay, colors!
  • New FBA Item Fixes: Updated sleeves for the Cozy Winter Coat, Overcoat, Blaster Suit, and Frantic Rabbit Vest.

Rooms 2.0

  • Fixed issue in Rooms 2.0 where players could sometimes select objects outside of their current scope after undoing/redoing.
  • Added a storefront prop to the Rooms 2.0 palette. More details below
  • Storefront V2 only supports Offers
  • You can change the color and material of the background
  • The background of can be hidden (from the Config menu)
  • Storefront V2 includes a circuit board for Enabling, Disabling, and inputting a List of Offers
  • Storefront V2 can be Synced or local (from the Config menu)
  • The watch page from the View More button on Storefront V2 shows Offers listed in a vertical-scrolling grid (rather than a horizontal-scrolling carousel)

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • We're continuing to iterate on the new third person mode with lots of bug fixes and gradually expanding the rollout to more players. This update also brings support for driving vehicles in third person!
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the PSVR calibration room to load incorrectly.
  • Added a setting to Interaction Volume V2 to allow the creator to hide/show the outline on hover.
  • Fixed a rare bug which would cause invention creation to fail.
  • We tidied up a whole bunch of throw animations across the game. Throws should all work the same mechanically, but just look and feel better in all cases.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented RRO storefront purchases from being claimed.
  • Tweaked the size of the buttons on the Dialogue component.
  • Fixed bug where Player Prompt Text did not filter out bad words. No more saying cuss words, guys!
  • Players on recent generations of iPhones should notice that they sound MUCH better when talking to others. Now you can eat your mic in 4K!
  • Fixed issue where undoing an auto-connected tube piece would delete the entire tube.
  • Updates to Player Prompt Multiple Choice and Player Prompt Text nodes:
  • Fixed prompts not working if some other dialogs were up (e.g. the friend online notification dialog)
  • Added a configurable option Replace Existing Prompt (defaults to false) that lets a new prompt squash an older open prompt, instead of failing immediately.
  • Fixed prompt not working if the player was on an old UI menu (e.g. change outfits)

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the “Look, Ma! My Hands are Reoriented!” edition

Full Body Avatars

  • All level 40+ players should have access to FBA now, check it out in your dorm room mirror!
  • FBA Beta fix: For items that are supposed to hide ears (ear covering hair items), or completely hide hands (ex: boxing gloves), the full body avatar will now do the right thing and properly remove that part of the player.
  • We fixed the strange "mouth askew" issue that you could only see on other players, and while fixing it, we improved the range of adjustments you can make for the full body avatar. You can still smirk if you want to!
  • We also did some work to prevent face features from colliding, so an avatar always has the right order of features from top to bottom: eyebrows, eyes, nose, then mouth… heeeeeead, shoulders, knees and toes (knees and toes!)
  • We gave our full body avatars the power of telekinesis! This will fix the issue where held objects are restricted by the length of your arm. We can’t wait to find out the unintended consequences of this!
  • More FBA item fixes for Steampunk Gloves and Dragon Knight Wrist
  • Sometimes when switching between avatar types, your avatar's ability to push buttons or trigger volumes with your hands stopped working. Fixed!
  • Swatted a bug where if you are previewing custom shirts using full body, you could then go to the Rec Center with the unowned custom shirt and see it in your local view (other's couldn't see the bug).

Rooms 2.0

  • Fixed an issue where a hierarchy could have different authorities for different objects within it. Just like the mitochondria is always the powerhouse of the cell, hierarchies will always match the authority of the root object.
  • Loading into a subroom from another subroom in the same room can now show the subroom name in the loading screen in addition to the room name.
  • Default custom locomotion graph now contains wall run and players now are able to perform wall run out of the box on the surfaces that are configured correctly. PARKOUR!
  • Supporting the pricing of Offers with Inventory Items. Offers priced with Inventory Items do not require RR+ membership. The price icons for these offers are customizable, similar to room currency in Rooms 1.
  • Added a new 'Get All Inventory Items in Room' chip. All your inventory items are belong to us (teehee).

Released the following from beta:

  • The Gun Handle and all related chips
  • Trigger Volume Get and Set Player Filter Tags chips
  • All Rooms 2 Moods chips
  • Player Aim Assist Tag chips
  • Player Get Is Room Contributor
  • Parse Time (what is… Time?!)
  • Not Equals
  • Modulo
  • Player Get Crouch Speed, Player Get Is Wall Running, Player Get Slide Speed, Player Get Steering Speed, Player Set Wall Run Enabled, Player Set Crouch Speed, Player Set Prone Speed, Player Set Slide Speed
  • Local Player Override Player Voice Rolloff, Local Player Clear Player Voice Rolloff
  • List Add If Not Contains, List Except, List Intersect, List Intersection, List Union, List Distinct
  • Instance Get Is Multi-Instance Event
  • Instance Get Lifetime
  • Handle Get and Set Player Filter Tags chips
  • Get HUD Element Enabled
  • Animation Get Frame, Animation Get Time Stamp, Animation Set Time Stamp

Touchpad Component (in beta)

  • Interaction Started/Ended events - On Screens this is when you start/stop using the Touchpad. On VR it is immediately before/after the Touch Started/Ended events.
  • Your Screen mode avatar is hidden from your own view while using the Touchpad, relying on the cursor rather than the hand.

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases one explosive might not properly detonate another explosive. KABOOM! And then also another KABOOM! And then also another KABOOM!
  • Squooshed a bug where swapping store pages would not restore your position on the page.
  • Scaling tubes & ribbons no longer leads to wild size changes
  • Added room-level events for interaction volumes! Note: these events, like their circuit board versions, only fire for the local player.
  • Started an experiment with a new invention saving menu UI. If this is you, make sure to give us feedback!
  • Added 'Gun Fired (All)' event to ranged weapons, including the projectile launcher. This event will run for all other players in the room when the weapon is fired, at no additional network heat cost.
  • Added 'Update' event in beta to run circuits at the current frame rate.
  • Unless the local player uses the maker pen, Rec Room will no longer automatically backup the room for them.
  • Deleted the redundant "Set Object" button for the Spawner Component.
  • Added a new chip in beta ("Rec Room Object Get All with Tag (new)"). This is similar to the existing "Rec Room Object Get All with Tag", but will return the objects in the same order for every player in a room. Just in case you didn’t like the randomness!
  • Fixed room cards (the thumbnails in the menu) not scaling properly on non-PC platforms.
  • Squashed a bug where the back button on a UGC storefront would redirect to a blank page.
  • Stomped a bug where games ended early in ^Legacy3DCharades. Guess you gotta earn your dailies the hard way 😤
  • Smushed a bug where canceling a purchase on Android would prevent you from attempting any more purchases.
  • For You rooms will start being recommended based on different data, let us know if you like the rooms you see!
  • We’re tweaking how Similar Rooms are recommended to you to prefer rooms that are similar, but also have players in them.

Rec Room Studio

  • Added new “Anchor UI” studio functions (Anchor & Detach) to the “Rec Room Canvas UI Interaction” component that allows creators to anchor a screen player’s camera to a worldspace UI, or move a menu to be anchored to a screen player’s camera and enable interactions using a cursor (PC/Console) or touch interactions (Mobile). VR is not supported… Yet.
  • Fixed "Paste as Child" for Maker Pen scene objects to ensure that the pasted objects are correctly initialized.
  • Our create (sub)room buttons now match the in-game behavior and will automatically open the newly created (sub)room
  • Include data for terrain in memory explorer (some painted tree & painted detail data still not included)
  • Fixed memory explorer estimates for some rarely used render target formats.
  • Crushed bugs where using the "Create Empty Parent" menu in the Maker Pen scene would not create a new Container in R2 rooms and would instead create an invalid state by moving the child objects to the main scene.
  • Resolved issues that caused some harmless error messages when setting default values on input ports using the Circuit Editor.
  • Improved accuracy of the CV2 row in the Memory Explorer.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room UPDATE - the "Look, Ma! My Hands are Reoriented!" edition

Full Body Avatars BETA Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where full body custom shirts do not appear immediately in the mirror after purchase.
  • Grabbed objects while using Full Body should now have the same orientation as when using Bean Body, and we restored all original orientations so it should feel just like it did in 2023.
  • Added a toggle in Miscellaneous Settings to allow players without full body access to still view and purchase full body items.
  • When seeing your full body on the title screen, during the loading screen, and in the avatar customization menu, your hands will pose and animate similar to how the bean body does.
  • Fixed a bunch of bad sleeves and skin gaps on the following: Pullover hoodies, Skeleton hoodies, Hoodies, Untucked tee, Tucked tee, Raincoat, Trucker Jacket, Royal Lady/Lord, Turtlenecks, Golfer shirt, Pioneer dress, Mirrored Glasses, Casual Cardigan, Bard shirt, Fortuneteller shirt, Mobster, Retro gamer, Shredder, Hiker shirt, RecFly vest, Cosmic Hero, Oversized Cardigan, Witch Hunter, Animal Sweater, Quarter Zip, Cupid, Male tee.

Dialogue UI improvements

  • Dialogue options are now larger and easier to press. I guess size does matter -_(tsu)_/-
  • Rich Text is now supported (e.g. <i>italic text</i>)
  • Fixed dialogue billboarding to properly face the camera
  • Reordered configure menu to be more configured
  • Fixed bug where dialogue weirdly snaps when configuring X offset if billboarding is enabled
  • Added default output exec port to object board: Text Finished Animating
  • Added default input exec port to object board: Clear Button State
  • Newly placed dialogues are now disabled by default
  • Fixed bug where dialogues always get enabled when loading into a room
  • Added configure option to disable dialogue options from showing up while the text is animating
  • Added configure option to automatically shrink the dialogue box to fit the text inside it
  • Fixed bug where dialogue never fully vanished when disabled for room owners
  • The hover effect on dialogue options is now more subtle - I didn't know they were chill like that B)
  • Fixed bug where Message Animation Finished event didn't fire if the user skipped the text animation
  • Non-interactable state is no longer semi-transparent
  • Added two new options for Speech Arrow Position: Top/Bottom Automatic. These decide if they should use left or right arrows based on the Billboard Pivot X Offset
  • Added two new chips: Dialogue UI Set Billboarding Pivot Offset, Dialogue UI Get Billboarding Pivot Offset. Use these to flip which side of a character a dialogue is on! Also added a new Billboard Pivot Offset Synced option in the configure tool to go with these new chips

Player Prompt Text & Player Prompt Multiple Choice Chip Updates

  • New "Player Prompt Text" chip in beta - this is an updated version of the old Prompt Local Player chip, which will be deprecated once this new version leaves beta. This version works more like the Player Prompt Multiple Choice chip, using the new UI and the same port layout. There are several more updates to Player Prompt Multiple Choice in this update which also apply to this new chip.
  • Updates to Player Prompt Multiple Choice:
    • Hitting "OK" now closes the watch if the watch was closed when you received the prompt
      • Hitting the X button now works the same as hitting the Cancel button
        • A warning now shows in the maker pen log if the chip is run while a prompt is already open
          • Newly placed chips now immediately pop open the watch by default instead of sending a watch notification. You can switch back to the old behavior with the configure tool, and you can switch old chips to the new behavior there as well.

            • Newly placed chips now dismiss the prompt if the player closes their watch after seeing it. You can turn this off with the configure tool, and you can turn it on for older chips there as well.

            General Improvements & Bug Fixes

            • Fixed an issue where the bow and crossbow could not be holstered in quest RROs
            • Removed slideshow from Rec Center, we're hoping to use that space for something different
            • Fixed an issue where inventory slots behaved differently in the lobby of Crescendo than they did in the game.
            • Fixed an issue where the PSVR login screen would appear backward for some users.
            • A new Local Player Is VR node has been added to the palette to assist creators in detecting the player's display type.
            • The Code of Conduct poster has been added to the list of allowed props in Rooms 2.0
            • Hid Rooms 1 specific features from Rooms 2.0 in the port picker and Rewards configuration UI.
            • Currency and Consumables is now InventoryItem in the Rooms 2.0 RoomHUD.
            • Active accounts created before 2024 should have received the Class of 2023 Shirt, keep an eye on your gift boxes!

            Rec Room Studio

            • Open your existing rooms or create new ones by clicking the "My Rooms" button on the Rec Room Studio window. You may remember this button was recently called the "Open a Room" button. Names were changed to protect the innocent.
            • Circuit Editor bug fixes and improvements
            • Fixed a bug where the "Keep Local" option was not honored when downloading Maker Pen Objects.
            • Memory explorer now provides an estimate of the memory required for the max player count for a room.

            Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

            We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Reloaded" edition

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some cursed lookin' Full Body Avatar items that did not appear as they should when toggled to the bean avatar.
  • Fixed an issue preventing toggling between world and local space on the RequestSteering chip.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Data Table Reward cells from being set back to 'None'. Now you can get 'none data with left beef'! (I know I'm old, Google it)
  • Search on My Events and My Clubs now works - find the perfect roleplay moment of your dreams!
  • We're trying out some changes to the Picture-in-Picture (top-right corner of the UI HUD)
  • Increased maximum circuit list size from 65 to 4096. (4096 number game in Rec Room when )
  • Handles in Rooms 2.0 will no longer "offset" from their compound object.
  • Check out these new chips now in beta: Set Position/Rotation/Transform in Reference Object Space, and Get Position/Rotation in Reference Object Space.

Rec Room Studio

  • Rooms created through RRStudio should now automatically have #beta content enabled. You can enable beta content on any existing rooms by changing and saving your Room Tags settings through RRStudio.
  • You can now create new custom Studio Props (RecRoomObject prefabs) simply by dragging an existing prefab or GameObject from the main Unity scene or Project window into the Maker Pen scene. You can also convert a Studio Prop instance back into a normal Unity scene object by dragging the object from the Maker Pen scene to the main Unity scene.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the sub/room settings window to throw an exception under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where auto-generated data could cause room validation to fail.
  • Better error messaging and handling of very loooooooooooooooooong file paths.
  • A couple little improvements to the circuit editor ;)

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.

Rec Room PATCH - the "Reloaded" edition

Full Body Avatars Beta Fixes

  • Fix for full-body avatars blinking out of existence for a few frames when you move close or far away from each other
  • Fixed a lot of see-through gaps on the body when wearing shirts, gloves, and shoes

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Items will now be removed from your wishlist immediately after receiving the item.
  • Room anchors can now be added to all inventions, not just inventions made in the dorm or rec center.
  • Adding new properties to Room Inventory Items - Set Action Button Text, Enable Equip Button, Show Count in Equipment Slots.
  • Fixed some instances of Out of CPU Heat errors not providing context for which chip they came from.
  • The Player Prompt Multiple Choice chip is now available in Rooms 2.

Rec Room Studio

  • We now indicate whether a room is a legacy or R2 room when selecting a room to open, and in the Rec Room Studio window when a room is already open.
  • In R2 rooms you can now place new objects directly into containers, and you can copy, paste, and duplicate objects that are inside containers.
  • Fixing some artifacts when selecting objects in RRStudio.

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

We love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.