Welcome to the first Reclympics, the official summer games of Rec Room! This event will run from August 14th, 2021 to September 5, 2021. Players from all over the world will represent various regions within Rec Room and compete in custom-made Rec Room-inspired games.

Each of these games will be a day-long tournament, with various rewards all live-streamed and recorded on our YouTube channel! Continue reading more to find out how to participate or attend the event.



Players will sign up for the region they want to represent by first joining that region’s clubhouse. Each region has a designated clubhouse that any Rec Room player may join.

Players may join multiple clubhouses but will only be able to represent one region during the games.

Players registering for multiple games must represent the same region for all applications.



A limited number of players from each region will be able to compete. Players may register for multiple games but are not guaranteed to be selected. Once registration for the event closes, the community team staff will review applications and choose which players will be eligible to compete in that event as athletes.

For team-based events, the community team staff are responsible for choosing teams.

The athletes selected will be notified via email or Discord and their usernames will be posted to applicable brackets on the website.



Based on an individual or team’s placement in games, individual medals are awarded to participating athletes.

At the end of the Reclympics, the region with the most gold medals will be declared this year’s Reclympics winners!

Additionally, all players who visit the ^Reclympics room during the event will receive a free Reclympics shirt! Make sure to check out the room once it’s published to receive the reward.


Requirements to Compete

  • Your account must be at least level 30.

  • Your account must be registered with an active email address.

  • You must be available for the full duration of the event you plan to participate in, typically between 11 am - 3 pm PDT during the day of the event.

  • Your account must have a good recent moderation history

    1. Players banned between 7/1 - 8/14 may be denied registration.

    2. Players with a history of cheating may be denied registration.


Sign UPs are closed

Registrations are not first-come, first-serve. Please take your time with your applications and ensure all the information is correct! Even if you are not selected to compete, you can still participate in spectator events on our YouTube channel during the event times.

Make sure you join the Rec Room Region’s club you wish to represent in-game and visit the clubhouse on 8/14.

Rec Room Region Club names:

  • Creator Commonwealth

  • Crimson Bog Swamp

  • Paintball Plateau

  • Rec Room Main Campus

  • Frontier Island

  • The Goblin Kingdom

  • Cyberjunk City Limits

  • The Isles of Lost Skulls

Registration Deadlines:

  • Stunt Runner & Laser Tag - 8/9

  • Archery & Dodgeball - 8/16

  • Discus Throw & Ultimate Frisbee - 8/23

  • Paintball - 8/30


⮟ Overall Rules (tap to expand)

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in a match disqualification for your team. Competitive behavior is expected but comradery is encouraged.
  • Using glitches, exploits, or third-party apps to manipulate gameplay may result in disqualification for your team.
  • Disputes regarding gameplay must be directed to community team staff for review.
  • Athletes must arrive in the designated pre-game lobby room 20 minutes before their match. There are no reschedules.
  • If athletes do not arrive within 15 minutes before the match starts, the spot may be replaced with a backup athlete.
  • Substitutions for participants must be approved by community team staff 24 hours before the event begins.
  • Athletes cannot clip through geometry on maps unreasonably.
  • Athletes should have their in-game height set correctly before the game begins.
  • Athletes must not be blocked from each other while in play. Pre or post-match athletes can re-block others as needed.
  • Play will continue if disconnection occurs during a match. Athletes are encouraged to reconnect if possible, but the game's validity will be determined by Rec Room staff.
  • Additional rules may apply as described in the applicable event information sections.

⮟ Stunt Runner Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Saturday, 8/14


Four athletes will race around the track three times. Times from each lap are added together at the end of each match. The shortest cumulative time wins the bracket and moves onto the next round.

There will be a total of three rounds in the tournament (64, 16, 4). The final round will determine the top three placing athletes.



This event is a Solo event. There will be a total of 64 athletes competing.

Eight athletes from each region will compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes to compete in this event.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

⮟ Laser Tag Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Sunday, 8/15


Teams will compete in 4v4 matches of “Team Battle”.

There will be no AI bots or reviving in the match.

There are 3 capture zones on the map. Teams can earn points by capturing and maintaining capture zones. Stand in a capture zone until it turns your teams color to capture it.

The first team to reach 400 points wins.

Each match will be 5 minutes long.

Championship matches will be 10 minutes long.

In the event of a tie, a rematch will commence - first team to 50 points wins.

There will be a total of four rounds in the tournament (32, 16, 4, 2). The final rounds will determine the top three placing athletes.


This event is a Team event. There will be a total of 32 teams competing.

Four teams of four athletes from each Rec Room Region compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes and arranging teams within their respective Rec Room Region.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

⮟ Archery Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Saturday, 8/21


The goal is to hit as many targets as possible within 30 seconds. Accuracy is important as near misses will be counted against your score.

One player stands in a shooting zone and picks up their bow. Once the game has started, recletes will shoot one of the three pots inside the bullseyes. One a target has been hit and pot has been broken, the targets will respawn in random locations.

There will be a total of three rounds in the tournament (64, 16, 4). The final round will determine the top three placing athletes.



This event is a Solo event. There will be a total of 64 athletes competing.

Eight athletes from each region will compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes to compete in this event.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

A D D I T I O N A L ­ ­ R U L E S

Athletes must remain in the shooting zone for the entirety of the round.

"Double-shot" shooting technique is allowed.

⮟ Dodgeball Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Sunday, 8/22


Teams will compete in 3v3 matches.

First team to win three rounds win the match

Each match will be 5 minutes long.

In the event of a tie, a sudden death rematch will commence. First team to get a single player out from the other team wins.

There will be a total of five rounds in the tournament (32, 16, 8, 4, 2). The final rounds will determine the top three placing recletes



This event is a Team event. There will be a total of 32 teams competing.

Four teams of three athletes from each Rec Room Region compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes and arranging teams within their respective Rec Room Region.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

⮟ Discus Throw Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Saturday, 8/28


The goal is to throw the disc in the scoring zone that awards the highest number of points.

Athletes will throw three discs each round within one minute. Their points will be added together for that round.

Each round the initial scoring zone distance will be randomized for the next three tosses.

Athletes with the highest scores wins the bracket and moves onto the next round.

In the event of a tie, the player that took the least amount of time to throw all three of their disc wins.

There will be a total of five rounds in the tournament (80, 40, 20, 10, 5). The final round will determine the top three placing athletes.



This event is a Solo event. There will be a total of 64 athletes competing.

10 athletes from each region will compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes to compete in this event.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

A D D I T I O N A L ­ ­ R U L E S

Athletes cannot cross the throwing line. If athletes do cross the throwing line, they will forfeit their points for that disc.

Athletes have a maximum of one minute to throw all three discs per round.

⮟ Ultimate Frisbee Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Sunday, 8/29


Teams will compete in 4v4 matches.

Each match is 5 minutes long. The championship matches are 10 minutes long. The team with the most goals, or reaches 10 goals, is declared the winner.

A team scores a goal when they have completed a pass when the receiving athlete is in the endzone.

The team that scored keeps possession of the disc and throws it at the next Start Phase in a match.


Both teams line up along the goal line of their endzones. One team (the defense) is randomly chosen to start the game and has possession of the frisbee. Teams cannot move until the frisbee is thrown.

Once the frisbee is thrown, the opposing team (the offense) will take possession to start the match. The defense team cannot catch or pick up the frisbee until the offense team initially picks up or catches it.


Teams currently possessing the frisbee must throw it within 15 seconds of picking it up, or it will drop to the ground, and possession is given to the other team.

Athletes possessing the frisbee will be frozen in place.

Once passing the disc, it is either completed, intercepted, or incomplete.

  • When a pass is completed - e.g. a teammate of the athlete that threw the pass catches it - the 15-second clock resets to pass the frisbee or lose possession.
  • When a pass is intercepted - e.g. an athlete on the opposing team catches a pass - the opposing team is given possession. If the original team’s pass is intercepted in their own endzone, the catching athlete and frisbee move to the goal line.
  • When a pass is incomplete, the opposing team is given possession and must play from where the frisbee lies. Any athlete of the opposing team may take the frisbee.

Athletes continue to pass the frisbee in an attempt to score until the match ends.

In the event of a tie, a sudden death rematch will commence. First team to score once wins.


This event is a Team event. There will be a total of 32 teams competing.

Four teams of four athletes from each Rec Room Region compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes and arranging teams within their respective Rec Room Region.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.

A D D I T I O N A L ­ ­ R U L E S

While holding the frisbee, athletes may pivot in their playspace but walking is prohibited.

Athletes may not catch their own throw, or pick up the disc again when losing possession of it.

⮟ Paintball Event

E V E N T ­ ­ D A T E : ­ Saturday, 9/4


Teams will compete in 4v4 matches of “Capture the Flag”.

Each match will be 5 minutes long.

The championship match will be 10 minutes long.

The team with the most flag captures wins.

The first team to capture the opposing team’s flag three times automatically wins.

In the event of a tie, a sudden death rematch will commence. First team to grab the other team’s flag wins.

There will be a total of four rounds in the tournament (32, 16, 4, 2). The final rounds will determine the top three placing athletes.



This event is a Team event. There will be a total of 32 teams competing.

Four teams of four athletes from each Rec Room Region will compete.

Community Team staff will be responsible for picking athletes and arranging teams within their respective Rec Room Region.

Each region may have up to five substitute athletes that can be assigned to any team within their respective Rec Room Region.


A D D I T I O N A L ­ ­ R U L E S

There is no limit on the amount an athlete can use a particular weapon or item. This means athletes are permitted to use the shield/sniper/shotgun as much as they’d like.

Flag throwing is permitted, however your flag may not be thrown more than half the distance of the map.