TMNT oozes into Rec Room!

Cowabunga muchachos, it’s Pizza Time! 🤙🍕 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have arrived in Rec Room with a brand new adventure! Prove you’ve got what it takes to be an honorary Turtle through the Trials of TMNT by fighting bunches of Foot Clan baddies in a bonkers adventure through the city. Bring three of your friends to maximize the radness and prepare yourselves for the ultimate battle against one of the Turtles’ ultimate foes… SHREDDER!!

Make sure you look lean, green, and mean with brand new TMNT items including Turtle shells, gloves, and headbands! Show off your Turtle fashion taste or party up with your bodacious Turtle buddies for the ultimate in oozing excellence. Don’t forget to fuel up with some pizza too! Can’t fight Shredder on an empty stomach, everybody knows that!! Click below to jump in!